SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Sept 11th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We thank you for the miracle of this church family, whom you’ve gathered by the Holy Spirit, to receive your gifts this morning. To receive renewal, restoration, forgiveness and new life in the person and work of Jesus Christ. 


There are often times when we wonder where you are, spinning our wheels to find you where it pleases us. Turn us to Christ, Lord, in whom the fullness of God dwells. And turn us to those things outside of us where He promises to be. Here, in the midst of the body of Christ, your church. Here, where He gives himself in His body and blood for our renewal. Here, where He takes action through His Word from the lips of another. 

King Jesus,

Remember us. Remember us and have us know that for you to remember is to take action.

Crush us, make us new, and free us through your unconditional promise that you are making each of us and all things new.

Assure us and have us know that you are not sitting back and waiting around for us to make the grade.Your unconditional promise is not a Word searching merely for those who somehow “feel the need” for it. 

Your Word is action. Through your Word, you go on the attack to create faith out of the nothing of our sin. 

Your love does not first discover what is pleasing to you. Instead, your love creates what is pleasing to you. Crash your love and resurrection life into us this morning Lord. Make us new.

In the name of Jesus Christ the crucified, in the name of Jesus Christ the Risen,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Sept 4th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

Your mercies are new every morning, we praise and thank you for this morning. For your good and beautiful creation we see all around us. We thank you for all the blessings you bestow on us. May this truth be always on our hearts: that the God who breathed and spoke this world into being, in love, He created, made, formed, and sustains each and every one of us.


There are times when the darkness in this world and the darkness within us can make it seem like there is no light. In your mercy, crash your light into the darkness of this world. Crash your light into the darkness we see our brothers and sisters and neighbors struggling with all around us. Grant that we may see and be blessed by your Kingdom in our midst. Open our eyes to your present and active royal reign.  Evident in moments of reconciliation, moments of mercy and grace, moments of love. Moments that only You can author. 

Rest us in the truth that you are the light of the world, and you continuously crash your light into our darkness, because You cannot help but shine.

We call on you with “Come, Lord Jesus”. And you answer, “I am with you always, in this age and the next.” Hold us and keep us in that promise. 

Almighty God, the provider of green pastures and quiet waters, be the peace in our hearts today.

King Jesus, our savior and guide, whether on the mountain top or in the valley deep, be the hope in our hearts today.

Holy Spirit of truth and knowledge, comforter and friend, be the strength in our hearts today.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Aug 28th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We come to you in gratitude for the undeserved  love and mercy we find in Jesus Christ and for your beautiful creation in which you’ve placed us. Only in Jesus Christ, our mediator, are we able to pray, and on account of His promises we also know that we will be heard. You speak to us through your Word, and your Holy Spirit causes us to turn and speak to you prayer.

Lord, as we enter into a time in your Word together, send the Holy Spirit. Give us the Holy Spirit, who writes the preached Word into our hearts. Where we are turned inward on ourselves, turn us to you. Give us merciful and peaceful hearts when our pride turns us away from you and against each other. Let your mercy and peace win the victory in our hearts.

King Jesus,

Just a mustard seed, you said. Just a mustard seed of faith to move the mountain of doubts, rebellion, and difficulties which we are often overwhelmed with in our weakness. We confess, Lord, that there are times when we reach out seemingly in vain for that mustard seed, seemingly in unanswered frustration or desperation for that mustard seed. 

Cause us to pause, to think for a moment, to realize the truth that in the very act of reaching out, we reveal the presence in our hearts of the very seed that we seek, the very gift of comforting life giving faith. Faith gifted from the God who provides. Faith gifted from the God who seeks out and hunts down sinners in order to make them new. Faith gifted from the God who knows our brokenness and suffered, died and rose again that we might have His wholeness. Provide, Lord. Seek us out and hunt us down. Stir faith in our hearts and re-create us as you would have us be. Make us new and make us whole, in You.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Aug 21st

J Patrick Miller


There are times when we cry out and groan with the Psalmist:

How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?

Times when it can seem that we are unseen, unheard, unknown and forgotten. We pray for those who feel forgotten or unseen, may they know that they are remembered and seen by you God. Shine your face upon them, and search our hearts to reveal those we hide our faces from. When we are turned inward with our own anxieties and fears, turn us to you in prayer, with every petition, and with thanksgiving that we might be made bearers of your light in this world. Bearers of your mercy, of your grace, of your forgiveness. Bearers of the truth that you are a stronghold in times of trouble, a stronghold for the weary. That you do not forget the cries of the afflicted, nor forsake those who seek you. Renew our hearts that we may again echo the Psalmist:

But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me.

Gracious and mighty God,

We thank you for the opportunity we have to come together in fellowship in You. We thank you for the opportunity to be in the presence of each other as the body of Christ, each of us members of your body in the unique way you've called us to be. We thank you for this place of refuge and for this church family, whom you’ve called and gathered by your Holy Spirit, to receive your gifts this morning. To receive forgiveness and new life in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Lord, we ask that you continue to bless and sustain us by your Word.

In the name of Jesus the Christ we pray,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Aug 14th

J Patrick Miller

Merciful Father,

In your graciousness, and on account of your son Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit, you bless us with unity with you, and unity with each other. Whether gathered side by side, or separated by distance, time, or troubles, we are one in you. And you bless us by turning us to you. Hear our prayer Lord through your Son, our mediation and our mediator. 

This day and every day, renew our hearts, Lord. Renew our hearts in Jesus Christ. 

When we are in doubt, renew our hearts with His assurance and confidence. 

When we are anxious and fearful, renew our hearts with His peace. 

When our nerves are frayed and we are quick to anger, renew our hearts with his patience and forgiveness. 

When we revel in fractures and division, renew our hearts with His spirit of reconciliation. 

When we are unfaithful, renew our hearts with His faithfulness.

Show us your ways, Lord, teach us your paths. Guide us in your truth and teach us, for you are God our Savior, and our hope is in you. 

King Jesus,

In pouring out your lifeblood on the cross, you poured out your love into this world in rivers of flowing grace. Be gracious to us, Lord. For those of us who are falling, hold us up. For those of us who are weary with sickness, grief or loneliness, be our rest. For those of us walking a crooked path, be the Way. For those of us walking in darkness, be the Light. For all of us whose hearts are thirsty and hungry, by your Word, fill us with living water and the bread of life. 

All this we pray, in the name of Jesus the Christ, the great Amen, the faithful and true witness,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Aug 7th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

By your Holy Spirit you’ve drawn each and every one of us here this morning. The gathering of this church is your work. You are the God of light and love. You’ve granted us the gift of walking in and sharing your light, not just in this place, but everywhere we find our feet planted. Continue to shine your light to us, in us, and through us, in a world desperate for light.


Make this church a place of rest and refuge. A place where you gather us, your children, to receive your gifts. Gifts of grace and mercy, forgiveness and renewal. Free us from the lie that we have to, or that we can, earn your favor. Rest us in the truth that Christ has already done it for us.

King Jesus,

How often, when weary, do we sigh 'The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.' How often, when weary, do we find our thoughts and hearts distracted and discontented….by circumstance, by the sound and message of other voices, by the baggage carried with us, rather than left at your feet.

And yet by your voice you draw us to be in your presence, to hear you speak rest into our hearts, “That baggage and those burdens are not yours, but mine, taken to the cross that you would be made free. You are weary and heavy laden. But take my yoke, for it is easy and my burden is light.” 

“The words which I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life”.

Soothe our worried and discontented minds and hearts this morning. Make us vessels to receive your promise of a peace that is deeper and richer than anything we can imagine. Peace in Jesus Christ. Peace that passes all understanding. Peace that says, “Rest. Do not be afraid. For I am with you. I am with you always”

In your mighty name we pray,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - July 31st

J Patrick Miller


In a world that forms us for distraction, be our firm foundation. In a world full of so much noise and information that leaves us disenchanted and disillusioned, draw us into your Word, that we might see and experience the reality of your work in our midst.

Whether in fear or pride, we so often put our faith in other people, places, and things instead of you. Turn us to you and who you reveal yourself to fully be in Jesus Christ.

You sent your one and only Son into creation not to condemn it, but to save it. Not to demand that we pull ourselves up by our spiritual bootstraps, but to proclaim good news to the spiritually poor. 

King Jesus, 

You came into your creation not to condemn it, but to save it. To enter into our grief to provide comfort, to anoint us with the oil of joy in the midst of mourning, to cloak us in peace instead of a spirit of despair before God. To plant us as oaks of your righteousness, through whom you bear the fruit of your light, grace, and compassion. 

King Jesus, 

You came into your creation not to condemn it, but to save it. To bind up the brokenhearted. To proclaim the release of the prisoners from the darkness of our own making.To proclaim freedom for the captives of sin. Rest us in the truth of the Good News: “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.” 

Cause us to walk in that freedom, in the certainty of your promises in an uncertain world. Cause us to walk in that freedom, not in self righteousness but in the humility and lowliness of the very cross that has freed us. Cause us to walk in that freedom, proclaiming forgiveness when the world demands we condemn and condemn and condemn. Cause us to walk in that freedom, bearing the Good News of your present and active royal reign.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - July 24th

J Patrick Miller

Come to us. Come Lord Jesus and wash over us with your peace.  Keep us in your grip. Hold fast to our hearts with your words that though there is suffering in this life you have overcome the world. Hold fast with your promise, and have us see and rejoice, that in this groaning creation you are invading and making all things new...and right. Help the hurting to know that when we are suffering that you suffered for us. Rest us in your assurance that you know our pain because you took the pains of the world on yourself on the cross.

Remind us that in our weakness, your power is made perfect, and that in our weakness you are merciful. Where our hope wains, Lord, love us back into hope again. 

Where there are two or more gathered in your name, you promise to be there. We offer you thanks for your presence and divine gifts here this morning. HERE, where you operate through ordinary means to work your miracles of salvation and restoration. From ordinary lips you proclaim your eternal life-giving word of the forgiveness of sins and your active royal reign.

Quiet whatever chattering and anxiety and worry we may have in our hearts and minds. 

Open our ears to hear your words and believe. Open our ears to know your voice.

Have us listen to our savior for a while.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - July 17th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty, gracious, and merciful God,

Be here with us this morning as we are gathered by your Holy Spirit. Reach out your long arm of grace. Reach out with your love that binds us. With your peace that calms us. With your touch that heals us. With your joy that fills us. With your arms that hold us. Have us know and believe that you are our God, and we are your children.


In the midst of struggles have us know that you are Lord of ALL things, always working to help, to encourage, to lift, to shape, to renew and to fill us up with You.

Have us walk forward each day while looking backward in faith. Faith in you, and your saving work on the cross and in your resurrection. Faith in you, so even in hard and anxious times, we may see and celebrate the moments of light that only you can author. 

Faith in you, and peace in our unity in You, in one body, one Spirit, one hope, one faith, one light, one baptism, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came to be and in whom we live.

Faith in you, Jesus, in whom all the Promises of God are “Yes”:

That you will never forsake us.

That though our flesh and hearts might fail, you are our Rock and our portion forever.

That you will be with us always.

That you make us new, are making us new, and one day will fully make us new.

In your mighty name we pray, 


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - July 10th

J Patrick Miller

God of this day and of all days,

In a world which has so much to say and not much time for listening, you have drawn us here this morning in a time and place set apart to be still, to rest, and to hear your voice. 

In a world that is soaked in hate, but thirsty for love, pour out your word of love. Bind up and heal the wounded and brokenhearted. In a world that is heavy with self righteous judgment, but light on compassion and forgiveness, pour out your word of forgiveness.

Bless and fortify, and send the peacekeepers. Speak through your church for the forgiveness and benefit and building up of all those whom, by your word, you created, made and formed.


In a world that seems long on worry and fear, but short on hope, have us pause to reflect that you carry and deliver hope in the most unlikely ways and into the most undignified places. Turn us to hope in Christ. 

Hope in the creator of the universe, who entered into His creation not in glory, but in the filth of a stable. Hope in the King of kings, who came to us not in the purple robes of earthly royalty, but cloaked in fragile flesh and humility. Hope in the God who does not remain far away, but who’s divine footprints marked the dusty roads of His creation.

Hope in the author of love, who knows pain and weeps with us, but will one day wipe away every tear. Hope in the fount of joy, who knows grief and comforts the sorrowful. Hope in the friend of sinners, who loves the sinner, each of us, so much that He took our sins as His own on the cross. Hope in the Word made flesh, who by His speaking from the lips of His church, forgives, enlivens, and restores everyone who hears and believes.

Stir your Spirit within us that we might hear and believe.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - June 26th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

This world needs your healing. We need your healing.

We so easily get distracted and twisted by the noise of the world, by the storm of voices all around us. In a world that would have us constantly on a war footing against the sins of others but not our own, let us listen and hear your voice. In a world that demands we be angry and outraged, and then calls that virtue, let us listen and hear your voice.

Let us listen to your voice. Let us hear your voice. Your voice that lights the way. Your voice that calms the storm.

God, by your Word, the universe came into being. With your same Word, speak into each one of us the need for forgiveness. And speak into each and every one of us the fullness of restoration and re-creation we receive in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus,

In the midst of uncertainty, change, and disruption in our lives, we are often filled with doubt. Lord, open your heart to our prayer, “I believe; help my unbelief.” Give us assurance by your Word that you know your plans for us; plans for healing, plans of hope, plans of restoration in you, in whom all God’s plans and promises are fulfilled. 

Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Open our hearts and turn us to love the least among us, the “different” from us, the stranger to us, the outcast. 

Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. When we are beset by anger or resentment, have us recall that Christ, who indeed had reason to avenge himself, instead intercedes by his blood and with tears and the proclamation of mercy upon mercy, grace upon grace. 

Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Cause us to love, not in selective mercy, but with the fullness of Christ’s compassionate heart. For you show your love for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 

Give us the heart and spirit of Christ, that we might be His image, His hands, and His voice of the Good News of His present and eternal Kingdom.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - June 19th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

In your graciousness, and by your Holy Spirit, you bless us with this time and place of sanctuary and rest in your son Jesus Christ. You bless us by turning us to you. Hear our prayer Lord through your Son, our mediator and our mediation. 


On this Father’s Day morning, we give special thanks for the men in our lives. And we remember those whom you’ve called to rest with you in paradise. We thank you for our fathers, our uncles, our brothers through whom you love us and guide us. Turn us to our true primary calling. Our primary calling to be the mouthpiece of forgiveness in our homes and amongst our neighbors. Make us new, that we may be the voice of a loving God who forgives on account of the person and work of Christ and for His sake. Possess us with your Spirit that we may be a mirror of your heart for a world that separately needs Gospel rest.


The gathering of this church family is your work, and we thank you for the blessings you have gifted us. You shine TO us through your word and your body and blood. And you shine through us, often when we don’t even realize it. By your Holy Spirit, continue to use us and the relationships that you build here and outside this room, to bear good fruit wherever you plant our feet. Through the hearing of your Word, cause us to love each other as you have loved us. Have us  lift each other up in prayer and encouragement. Continue to cause us to walk with each other, and when need be, to carry each other. May the power of your word, shatter our bondage to self. Open our ears and hearts that we may hear and know your voice. 

In Jesus’ name,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - June 12th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

By your Holy Spirit you draw us together in unity with you and each other. To share and bear our struggles and sorrows. To share, in thanks and joy, the countless blessings you bestow on your creation and creatures as you crash in your Kingdom light and hope, today and every day. 


Where we are exhausted by the demands and obligations and struggles of this world, be our sabbath, our rest. Where we feel beat down or sputtering or empty, invade with your fulfilled promise that a bruised reed you will not break, a faintly burning wick you will not quench, and a hungry heart you fill with the bread of life. Where we are parched for joy, remind us that we are soaked in living water. Remind us that you have taken us by the hand and by the heart, and you are not letting go.

King Jesus

You are the one who is Word made flesh, true light of true light, God with us, the one who will not forsake us, no matter how far we run and now matter how far we might feel we are from your presence. Turn us and faith us to know you are near. Turn us and faith us to know that you are present and active in your body and blood. Turn us and faith us to know that you are present and active in your Word. 

And as we step into your Word, quiet whatever distractions and anxiety and worry we may have in our hearts and minds. 

Write the preached Word on our hearts.

As we step into your Word, have us listen to our savior for a while.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - June 5th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We offer you thanks this morning. Thanks for the gift of your beautiful creation where you have planted each of us according to your purpose. 

We thank you for the miracle of this church family, and for gathering us by your Holy Spirit to receive your gifts. You have called each of us by name to receive renewal, restoration, and new life in Christ. Make this a time and place of rest. Where our restless and distracted hearts find rest in you. 


Today and everyday, fill us and enliven us with your Holy Spirit that we might rejoice in proclaiming the Gospel. Grant us joy in the truth that your Word of Good News is not just information, but the living power of the living God. 

“The words which I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life”.

Pour out your Spirit and settle our busy and restless minds and hearts this morning. Make us vessels to receive your promise of a peace that is deeper and richer than anything we can imagine. Peace in Jesus Christ. Peace in the midst of daily triumphs. Peace in the midst of daily struggles. Peace that passes all understanding.

By the power of your Word, shatter the bondage of self in which we are chained. Create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us. Renew our hearts, Lord, so they might burn with love for our neighbors. Renew our hearts to bear the good fruit that this world needs: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

As we go about our day, have us know and walk in the assurance that your Spirit hovers over us, gives us the very breath of life, and lives in us. To stir us, to correct us, to work through us, to comfort us, to teach us, to lead us. And ultimately, to show us the Son, that we may be set free in the Son.

All this we pray in the name of the One whose name is above all names, Jesus the Christ,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - May 29th

J Patrick Miller

Gracious, Merciful, Sovereign God, Lord of all nations,

On this Memorial Day weekend, we pause to reflect upon our blessings as a nation and the high cost of those blessings. We lift a prayer of thanks and intercession.


Thank you for those who have served in the armed forces of our country, risking their lives for our liberty, and especially for those who, across the centuries, have given their lives in service to our country. Sacrificing in the most costly way for the sake of others, for us.

Thank you for a day set apart, not just for celebration of our freedoms, but for solemn remembrance as we consider the sacrifices of so many. You are the shield around us through the men and women who wear this nation’s uniform. We ask that you fill our hearts with gratitude for the heroes you place among us.

We pray today for the families and friends of those who have given their lives in service to our nation. Be with the countless friends, the tens of thousands of mothers and fathers, and surviving spouses and children in our midst. May they be comforted in their sadness and heartbreak. Hold their wounded hearts in your wounded hands that heal.

In a hard-hearted world renew our minds and soften our hearts, Lord.

May we be more aware and thankful of just how blessed we are. May we be more faithful and active as stewards of the blessings of our citizenship in both this realm and the heavenly realm. 

In an atmosphere mired in and often idolatrous of the violence of the pen, the violence of the tongue and the violence of action, renew us, sanctify us, set us apart. Make us the peacekeepers, the love and hope givers, the grace speakers, the Gospel of Christ proclaimers You have called us to be. 

You did not come into this world to be served, but to serve, to the point of death on the cross. Your love is a consuming fire. Consume us and make us new, that we might shine your light in the darkness. Pour out your love through your Word, that we might practice true worship through the self-sacrificial loving of our neighbors. Make us your hands and feet. Make us agents of your reign of love, grace, and mercy.

May your kingdom come, Lord, and your will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Amen.

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - May 22nd

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

Where there are two or more gathered in your name, you promise to be there. We offer you thanks for your presence and divine gifts here this morning. HERE, where you operate through ordinary means to work your miracles of salvation. From the ordinary lips of a pastor you proclaim your eternal life-giving word of the forgiveness of sins and the Kingdom to come. Through the ordinary means of bread and wine, you invade the darkness and gift us your very body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins and the strengthening of our faith in you. Crash in your resurrection light, into this creation, and into each and every one of us.  Crash in your light, through your Word and through your body and blood.

King Jesus,

In a world obsessed with self, turn us to you and turn us to our neighbor in love.

In a world that demands we cloak ourselves in outrage, make us quiet beacons of your grace.

In a world that demands we declare small wars on our neighbor, cause us to declare peace wherever you plant our feet.

In a world that revels in fracture and division, make us vessels of reconciliation.

In a world who’s lifeblood, at times, seems to be lies and corruption and greed, make us a mouthpiece of truth and guide us to a life of generosity.

In a world that demands we consume, and consume, and consume, turn our hearts and hands to give as you do.

Through your Word, pour out the mercy and hope of your Kingdom this morning, and pour it into our ears and hearts. Pour out your word that we might be set free, for whom the Son sets free, is free indeed.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - May 15th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty, merciful, gracious God,

We thank you for the freedom and opportunity we have to come together in fellowship with each other and with You. We thank you for the refuge and sanctuary we have in You and for this church family, whom you’ve gathered by the Holy Spirit, to receive your gifts this morning. Lord, we ask that you continue to bless and sustain us through all the ups and downs of this life.


By the light of your Word we see the dark mark of our sin. Yet by the light of your Word we are also marked with forgiveness and new life. Let us be marked not for sorrow, but marked as one who is claimed by the “man of sorrows”. Let us be marked not for cold and hardened self-righteousness, but for Christ shown and Christ given humility. Let us be marked not for our shame, but marked by the Holy One who was shamed by the world that He might save it.

King Jesus,

So often we fall to temptation, and bear the fruit of sin: hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy. Be the friend and pardoner of sinners. In your mercy turn us, repent us, faith us, forgive us, renew us.

Remind us that we are marked with your name, and stir your Holy Spirit within us that we might instead bear the fruit of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

In your mighty and gracious name,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - May 8th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We thank you for bringing us here this morning, to receive your gifts. To receive renewal, restoration, forgiveness and new life in the person and work of Jesus Christ.


On this Mother’s Day morning, we give special thanks for all the ladies in our lives. And we remember those whom you’ve called to rest with you in paradise. We thank you for our mothers, our wives, our aunts, our sisters, our sisters in Christ…... through whom you love us and guide us. We thank you for these ladies, whom you wear like a mask and through whom you shine your light of grace. You so often work through the women around us to shine as a beacon when we’re in the midst of a storm. Their guidance and caring are a mirror of your heart. We pray you continue to strengthen the women in our lives in the divine roles you’ve given them.


As we are gathered here together in you, remind us that your word is living and active. When you say “Let there be…”, things happen. When the sun rises and sets, you are speaking. When you wash your creation in life giving rain, you are speaking. When a tree bears fruit, you are speaking. When a child is born, and a mother is made, you are speaking. 

When the discarded are salvaged, when the hurt are healed, when the broken are restored, when the sinful are forgiven, when the unbelieving believe, when the dead are made alive, you are speaking. 

Have us hear your voice and believe. Pour out your life giving Good News that we might find rest and be made new in you.

In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - May 1st

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We offer you thanks this morning. For your beautiful creation we see all around us. We thank you for all the blessings you bestow on us.

We thank you for the miracle of this church family, whom you’ve gathered by your Holy Spirit, not to serve you but to be served by you, not to offer some spiritual sacrifice but to receive your gifts. To receive refuge, renewal, restoration, and new life in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Thank you for this time of rest. Where our restless hearts find rest in you. 

Lord Jesus, friend of sinners,

For those of us drowning in doubt, flood us with your faithfulness.

For those of us haunted by the shadow of shame, shine your light of love.

For a world weary under the weight of the burdens of this life, be our sabbath rest.

For every one of us who long for your presence, come Lord Jesus, come quickly.

Emmanuel, God with us. Have us know and believe and find comfort in the promise of that name. A promise which you keep. Emmanuel, God is with us.

When we are walking in darkness, you are there.

When we are kneeling in weakness, you are there.

When we draw near feeling helpless or hopeless, you are there.

When we are turned in repentance and needing forgiveness, you are there.

When our hearts ache for renewal, you are there, reaching out with an arm that is long enough to save.

You poured out your lifeblood on the cross for the salvation of the world. This morning, pour out your life giving Word. Speak, Lord, pour into our ears and into our hearts your resurrection life.


Pastor Jason’s Easter Prayer - April 17th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

You make a way in the wilderness of this age and pour out rivers of grace and living water through your one and only son, Jesus Christ.


We offer you thanks and praise this Easter morning, and we beseech you to lift the veil from our eyes, and ears, and hearts. Tear the shroud, lift the veil so we might see your resurrection life at work in our midst, and know that in you we have the assurance of our own resurrection. In the dawning and blooming of spring, in your beautiful creation we see all around us, have us see the reflection and foretaste of your new creation to come. Have us rejoice in the adventure of the resurrection life with friends and family through whom you walk with us, love us, guide us, and serve us. 

Lord, as we all wrestle with the doubts, frustrations and temptations, and the suffering of this life, turn our hearts to your fulfilled promise in Christ, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”.

King Jesus,

When we are shaken by the tribulations of our time, of our own lives, hold fast to us with your promise “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” When we are anxious, worried, and fearful in our sin, have us remember that in you there is no fear, because you have conquered sin, death, and the devil. The tomb is empty. The Christ is on the loose, the Servant King reigns. Lift the veil, pour into our ears, and mark our hearts with your words for us, your children:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” 

I am your Creator

I am the breath and author of life

I am the author and perfecter of your faith

I am the Word made flesh, for you

I am the fulfillment of the Law, for you

I am the Lamb of God, and I am the Lion of the tribe of Judah

I am your atonement and I am your righteousness

I am your Sabbath rest

I am the friend and pardoner of sinners

I am your restorer and reconciler

I am your priest, most high

I am the raiser of the dead and the killer of death

I am Jesus Christ the crucified

I am Jesus Christ the Lord of Lords

I am Jesus Christ the King of Kings

I am your savior.


 I am Jesus Christ The Risen

I am Jesus Christ The Living

Go and shout it, the tomb is empty, the risen Christ is on the loose, your Servant King reigns and He reigns forever.