Almighty God,
Your mercies are new every morning, we praise and thank you for this morning. For your good and beautiful creation we see all around us. We thank you for all the blessings you bestow on us. May this truth be always on our hearts: that the God who breathed and spoke this world into being, in love, He created, made, formed, and sustains each and every one of us.
There are times when the darkness in this world and the darkness within us can make it seem like there is no light. In your mercy, crash your light into the darkness of this world. Crash your light into the darkness we see our brothers and sisters and neighbors struggling with all around us. Grant that we may see and be blessed by your Kingdom in our midst. Open our eyes to your present and active royal reign. Evident in moments of reconciliation, moments of mercy and grace, moments of love. Moments that only You can author.
Rest us in the truth that you are the light of the world, and you continuously crash your light into our darkness, because You cannot help but shine.
We call on you with “Come, Lord Jesus”. And you answer, “I am with you always, in this age and the next.” Hold us and keep us in that promise.
Almighty God, the provider of green pastures and quiet waters, be the peace in our hearts today.
King Jesus, our savior and guide, whether on the mountain top or in the valley deep, be the hope in our hearts today.
Holy Spirit of truth and knowledge, comforter and friend, be the strength in our hearts today.