In a world that forms us for distraction, be our firm foundation. In a world full of so much noise and information that leaves us disenchanted and disillusioned, draw us into your Word, that we might see and experience the reality of your work in our midst.
Whether in fear or pride, we so often put our faith in other people, places, and things instead of you. Turn us to you and who you reveal yourself to fully be in Jesus Christ.
You sent your one and only Son into creation not to condemn it, but to save it. Not to demand that we pull ourselves up by our spiritual bootstraps, but to proclaim good news to the spiritually poor.
King Jesus,
You came into your creation not to condemn it, but to save it. To enter into our grief to provide comfort, to anoint us with the oil of joy in the midst of mourning, to cloak us in peace instead of a spirit of despair before God. To plant us as oaks of your righteousness, through whom you bear the fruit of your light, grace, and compassion.
King Jesus,
You came into your creation not to condemn it, but to save it. To bind up the brokenhearted. To proclaim the release of the prisoners from the darkness of our own making.To proclaim freedom for the captives of sin. Rest us in the truth of the Good News: “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.”
Cause us to walk in that freedom, in the certainty of your promises in an uncertain world. Cause us to walk in that freedom, not in self righteousness but in the humility and lowliness of the very cross that has freed us. Cause us to walk in that freedom, proclaiming forgiveness when the world demands we condemn and condemn and condemn. Cause us to walk in that freedom, bearing the Good News of your present and active royal reign.