SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - May 1st

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We offer you thanks this morning. For your beautiful creation we see all around us. We thank you for all the blessings you bestow on us.

We thank you for the miracle of this church family, whom you’ve gathered by your Holy Spirit, not to serve you but to be served by you, not to offer some spiritual sacrifice but to receive your gifts. To receive refuge, renewal, restoration, and new life in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Thank you for this time of rest. Where our restless hearts find rest in you. 

Lord Jesus, friend of sinners,

For those of us drowning in doubt, flood us with your faithfulness.

For those of us haunted by the shadow of shame, shine your light of love.

For a world weary under the weight of the burdens of this life, be our sabbath rest.

For every one of us who long for your presence, come Lord Jesus, come quickly.

Emmanuel, God with us. Have us know and believe and find comfort in the promise of that name. A promise which you keep. Emmanuel, God is with us.

When we are walking in darkness, you are there.

When we are kneeling in weakness, you are there.

When we draw near feeling helpless or hopeless, you are there.

When we are turned in repentance and needing forgiveness, you are there.

When our hearts ache for renewal, you are there, reaching out with an arm that is long enough to save.

You poured out your lifeblood on the cross for the salvation of the world. This morning, pour out your life giving Word. Speak, Lord, pour into our ears and into our hearts your resurrection life.