SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - June 26th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

This world needs your healing. We need your healing.

We so easily get distracted and twisted by the noise of the world, by the storm of voices all around us. In a world that would have us constantly on a war footing against the sins of others but not our own, let us listen and hear your voice. In a world that demands we be angry and outraged, and then calls that virtue, let us listen and hear your voice.

Let us listen to your voice. Let us hear your voice. Your voice that lights the way. Your voice that calms the storm.

God, by your Word, the universe came into being. With your same Word, speak into each one of us the need for forgiveness. And speak into each and every one of us the fullness of restoration and re-creation we receive in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus,

In the midst of uncertainty, change, and disruption in our lives, we are often filled with doubt. Lord, open your heart to our prayer, “I believe; help my unbelief.” Give us assurance by your Word that you know your plans for us; plans for healing, plans of hope, plans of restoration in you, in whom all God’s plans and promises are fulfilled. 

Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Open our hearts and turn us to love the least among us, the “different” from us, the stranger to us, the outcast. 

Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. When we are beset by anger or resentment, have us recall that Christ, who indeed had reason to avenge himself, instead intercedes by his blood and with tears and the proclamation of mercy upon mercy, grace upon grace. 

Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Cause us to love, not in selective mercy, but with the fullness of Christ’s compassionate heart. For you show your love for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 

Give us the heart and spirit of Christ, that we might be His image, His hands, and His voice of the Good News of His present and eternal Kingdom.
