SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - June 12th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

By your Holy Spirit you draw us together in unity with you and each other. To share and bear our struggles and sorrows. To share, in thanks and joy, the countless blessings you bestow on your creation and creatures as you crash in your Kingdom light and hope, today and every day. 


Where we are exhausted by the demands and obligations and struggles of this world, be our sabbath, our rest. Where we feel beat down or sputtering or empty, invade with your fulfilled promise that a bruised reed you will not break, a faintly burning wick you will not quench, and a hungry heart you fill with the bread of life. Where we are parched for joy, remind us that we are soaked in living water. Remind us that you have taken us by the hand and by the heart, and you are not letting go.

King Jesus

You are the one who is Word made flesh, true light of true light, God with us, the one who will not forsake us, no matter how far we run and now matter how far we might feel we are from your presence. Turn us and faith us to know you are near. Turn us and faith us to know that you are present and active in your body and blood. Turn us and faith us to know that you are present and active in your Word. 

And as we step into your Word, quiet whatever distractions and anxiety and worry we may have in our hearts and minds. 

Write the preached Word on our hearts.

As we step into your Word, have us listen to our savior for a while.