SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Aug 21st

J Patrick Miller


There are times when we cry out and groan with the Psalmist:

How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?

Times when it can seem that we are unseen, unheard, unknown and forgotten. We pray for those who feel forgotten or unseen, may they know that they are remembered and seen by you God. Shine your face upon them, and search our hearts to reveal those we hide our faces from. When we are turned inward with our own anxieties and fears, turn us to you in prayer, with every petition, and with thanksgiving that we might be made bearers of your light in this world. Bearers of your mercy, of your grace, of your forgiveness. Bearers of the truth that you are a stronghold in times of trouble, a stronghold for the weary. That you do not forget the cries of the afflicted, nor forsake those who seek you. Renew our hearts that we may again echo the Psalmist:

But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me.

Gracious and mighty God,

We thank you for the opportunity we have to come together in fellowship in You. We thank you for the opportunity to be in the presence of each other as the body of Christ, each of us members of your body in the unique way you've called us to be. We thank you for this place of refuge and for this church family, whom you’ve called and gathered by your Holy Spirit, to receive your gifts this morning. To receive forgiveness and new life in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Lord, we ask that you continue to bless and sustain us by your Word.

In the name of Jesus the Christ we pray,
