STC News:
*Every Sunday we host Sunday School classes for Pre-schoolers through 5th graders - we call this ministry Kingdom Kids. The kiddos who want to attend class are dismissed halfway through the worship service.
*You can find information about our Sunday morning Bible class for Adults on the “Bible Studies” page of this website.
*We post our weekly sermons & prayers on this website. Use the scroll-down bar & follow the links.
*We partner with care ministries & Gospel missions in Uganda, through our good friend Pastor Raymond Kaija. We call this endeavor, “STC Mission Uganda.” Please keep this special ministry partnership in your prayers.
*You can access great faith-life resources at
*After worship on Sunday Feb 2nd Pastor Patrick will be delivering an important “Church Family Chat.” Our worship service will wrap up around 10:45am that day, & the chat will take place shortly thereafter.
*Christmas Cookie Sunday was a great success. Thanks to ALL who brought scrumptious cookies & treats!
*Thanks for all your generous donations to our Christmas Care gift-card drive!
*Youth Confirmation Training takes place every year from October through April. If you’re interested in your child attending this training program, talk to Pastor Patrick at church. Young adults typically start confirmation training during their 7th grade year, but other young adults are also welcome to join the class.