Almighty and merciful Lord,
Open our ears and hearts that we may hear and know your voice. Have us just sit, and rest in your healing hands, as you make us new. In this time with you, drag us to the cross, carry us through the cross, and make us alive in your resurrection.
In the midst of our struggles, comfort us with the truth that you are active in the “here and now”. Comfort us with the truth that it is precisely into our struggles where you enter, in order to help us. And it is precisely into our struggles where you enter, in order to carry us in Kingdom hope.
Lord Jesus, friend of sinners,
For those of us drowning in doubt, forgive us, flood us with your faithfulness.
For those of us haunted by the shadow of shame, forgive us, shine your light of love.
For those of us who are weary under the weight of the burden of sin and the burdens of this life, forgive us, be our sabbath rest.
For every one of us who long for your presence, come Lord Jesus, come quickly.
We pray these things in the name of our friend, our forgiver and forgiveness, our King, Jesus Christ.