Almighty God,
By your Holy Spirit you’ve drawn each and every one of us here this morning. The gathering of this church is your work. You are the God of light and love. You’ve granted us the gift of walking in and sharing your light, not just in this place, but everywhere we find our feet planted. Continue to shine your light to us, in us, and through us, in a world desperate for light.
Make this church a place of rest and refuge. A place where you gather us, your children, to receive your gifts. Gifts of grace and mercy, forgiveness and renewal. Free us from the lie that we have to, or that we can, earn your favor. Rest us in the truth that Christ has already done it for us.
King Jesus,
How often, when weary, do we sigh 'The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.' How often, when weary, do we find our thoughts and hearts distracted and discontented….by circumstance, by the sound and message of other voices, by the baggage carried with us, rather than left at your feet.
And yet by your voice you draw us to be in your presence, to hear you speak rest into our hearts, “That baggage and those burdens are not yours, but mine, taken to the cross that you would be made free. You are weary and heavy laden. But take my yoke, for it is easy and my burden is light.”
“The words which I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life”.
Soothe our worried and discontented minds and hearts this morning. Make us vessels to receive your promise of a peace that is deeper and richer than anything we can imagine. Peace in Jesus Christ. Peace that passes all understanding. Peace that says, “Rest. Do not be afraid. For I am with you. I am with you always”
In your mighty name we pray,