SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Sept 18th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

In your graciousness, and on account of your son Jesus Christ and by your Holy Spirit, you bless us by gathering us in your name. And you bless us by turning us to you. We are drawn to your feet in worship, your creation facing its creator. Our hearts laid bare by your light, asking for your mercy. We come to you as a people in need of assurance and forgiveness. We come to you as a people in need of healing and wholeness. We come dependent upon your work and your love. Renew our hearts and have us trust in your promises.

King Jesus,

Where there are two or more gathered in your name, you promise to be there. We offer you thanks for your presence and divine gifts here this morning. HERE, where you operate through ordinary means to work your miracles of salvation and restoration. From ordinary lips you proclaim your eternal life-giving Word of the forgiveness of sins and the assurance of your active royal reign. From ordinary bread and wine, by your Word, we taste mercy, costly earned but freely given in your body and blood. 


Rest us in the truth that your fulfilled promise of restoration is real and present, right now in Jesus Christ. When we look over our shoulder in regret and say “What about the past?”, the promise intervenes, saying, “I took care of that.” When we look to the future in anxiety and worry, the promise invades, and saying, “ I took care of that too.” Rest us where our feet are planted, living and loving as you have re-created us to be.

The Lord has spoken, the Lord has promised, the Lord has come, the Lord will come again.
