SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Opening Worship Prayer - Dec 11th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty, gracious, and merciful God,

Thank you for being here with us this morning as we are gathered by your Holy Spirit. Reach out your long arm of grace. Reach out with your love that binds us. With your peace that calms us. With your touch that heals us. With your joy that fills us. With your arms that hold us. Have us know and believe that you are our God, and we are your precious children.

In the midst of our struggles & sins, please help us, and please forgive us. Let us know that you are Lord of ALL things, and that includes being the Lord of forgiveness and fresh starts.

In the name of your son, our Savior Jesus, forgive us, renew us, and lead us, that we may delight in your goodness, & walk in your ways, to the glory of your holy name.

Thank you for making us new, and for making ALL things new someday soon. In your mighty & merciful name we pray. Amen.