SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Christmas Eve Prayer - Pastor Jason

J Patrick Miller


In a world that seems long on worry and fear, but short on hope, have us pause on this Christmas Eve night to reflect that you carry and deliver hope in the most unlikely ways and into the most undignified places. From the lowly manger to the brutal cross to the triumphant empty tomb, turn us in hope to Christ. 

Hope in the author of love, who knows what it is to be abandoned and so enters into our loneliness that we might never be alone. Hope in the fount of joy, who knows grief and so enters into our sadness to comfort the sorrowful. Hope in the God who gives, and pours out blessings beyond measure. Hope in the friend of sinners, who loves sinners so much that He took our sins as His own. Hope in the Word made flesh, who by His speaking from the ordinary lips of another, forgives, restores and enlivens everyone who hears and believes. Open our ears to hear, cause us to believe that we are forgiven and made new in Christ.

Lord, rest us in your word,

Comfort, comfort my people, the people walking in darkness have seen a great light, and the darkness cannot overcome it.

Make way, for the child is here. The King has come, the child long promised. Make way, for the child is here and He is the Way for you and for all. They way to honor instead of shame. The way to forgiveness instead of condemnation. The way to redemption instead of captivity, the way to restoration instead of brokenness, the way to true community instead of division, the way to true peace in the midst of wars large and small, the way to salvation. 

Lord, circle us with the light of your presence, the Word made flesh, bright within this dark world. Spiritual light for the blind, the cup of salvation for the thirsty, the bread of life for the hungry. For unto us a child is born, a son is given. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Emmanuel, God iswith us.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Dec 17th

J Patrick Miller

God of creation, God of redemption, author of life, author and perfecter of our faith,

We praise and thank you for the great wonders you have sent us: for the shining star that points to the Way, for the infant's cry in a lowly manger, for the Light’s quiet invasion into the darkness of this world in the Word made flesh as a little child, and for the resounding angels’ song which we hear alongside the shepherds of long ago. 

King Jesus,

In you, the incomprehensible nature of God is comprehended enough, for in you the fullness of God dwells. In the One who is Justice, Mercy, Grace and Life itself, we have justice, mercy, grace, and life, for us. Because in you, God’s promise of salvation and restoration is fulfilled. In you God’s love is made manifest. We bring our sin, sorrows, fears, worry, and grief to you, Lord. And you have us surrender them at your feet, from the crib exchanged for a cross, where the cracks of our brokenness are filled with the purified gold of the blood of the Lamb. 

Stir up your power, Lord, and come. Come and help us by your mighty word, that the sins and burdens that weigh us down may be lifted by your love. 

For unto us a Child is born, a Son is given. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, entered into the world, so that He might make us new, so that He might make all things new. 


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Dec 10th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We thank you for this church family, whom you’ve gathered by the Holy Spirit, to receive your gifts this morning. 


In this Advent season, this time of expectation for and celebration of the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ, have us reflect on and celebrate the gifts of hope, peace, joy and love we have in Him. Gifts that only He can give in their fullness.

 The gift of hope, a hope that is the one true, fulfilled hope of salvation and restoration to be found only in the coming of the Messiah, the One foretold by the prophets, the One promised of old, entered into his creation to save it.

 The gift of joy, a resounding joy that fills us, even in the midst of our struggles. For in the word of the Gospel we hold to your promise that one day those struggles will be no more.

 The gift of peace, a peace that washes over us, a peace which knows no end, for in the babe in the manger we behold the grace and mercy of the very heart of God.

 The gift of love, a love that is love itself, the sacrificial love for all. The love of God in Christ, who by dwelling among us stoops to bring heaven to earth in order to lift earth to heaven by His blood and resurrection.

So wrap us in your gifts, renew us in your gifts, and rest us in your gifts.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Dec 3rd

J Patrick Miller

God of holiness, God of power, God of majesty,

God who spoke and this world was, who breathed and this world lived, yet who knows us to the number of hairs upon our head, we call on you. You see our sinful thoughts and read our sinful hearts yet love us beyond measure, sending your one and only Son into the world, not to condemn it, but that the world might be saved through Him. We turn to you in thanks and praise, for in Christ you sustain us, hold us close, and draw us together in unity with You and with each other.

God of hope, who brought love into this world in your Son, be the love that dwells between us. Cause us to love our neighbor as you have loved us, by sacrifice and the renewing word of forgiveness.

God of hope, who brought peace into this world in your Son, be the peace that dwells between us. Cause us to declare peace, and to live it, in the midst of the world’s demand for unceasing and unyielding conflict and competition.

God of hope, the rock we stand upon, be our firm foundation, anchoring us in the Good News.

The good news, that in the lowly manger in the stable, in the victorious humility of the cross, in the triumph of the empty tomb, there is hope for the hopeless.

The good news that in beautiful slavery to Christ, there is liberty from the bondage of sin.

The good news that in a world full of condemnation, in the advent of Christ, there is grace for the sinner.

Anoint us with the oil of joy, poured out in the precious blood of the Anointed One, the Word made flesh, the Word dwelling among us, come into the world to save it.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Nov 26th

J Patrick Miller

Merciful and gracious Father,

You sent your Son into the world to shine light into the darkness. 

Lord Jesus, you are the true light that shines for everyone. The light that shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. Crash your light into this world, into this place, and into our hearts. 

We thank you for the miracle of this church family, whom you’ve gathered by the Holy Spirit, that we might simply receive. That we might receive forgiveness , renewal, and restoration by you through the proclamation and hearing of your Word, that we might be forgiven, renewed and restored by you and in you and you alone.

Lord, in the midst of the restlessness, the uncertainty, the turbulence, and the anxiety of this life, we are often filled with doubt. Lord, open your heart to hear our prayer, “I believe; help thou my unbelief.” You are the Lord who with a tender touch makes our spirit whole. So reach out and make us an Advent people, trusting not in ourselves, but patiently waiting and resting in the God who promises to save. Emmanuel, “God with us”, the shoot that comes forth from Jesse’s stump, the branch of righteousness, the tested Stone and Cornerstone, the sure Foundation. Give us assurance by your Word that you know your plans for us; plans for healing, plans of hope, plans of restoration in you, in whom all God’s plans and promises are fulfilled. 


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Nov 19th

J Patrick Miller

Lord Jesus,

Where there are two or more gathered in your name, you promise to be there. We offer you thanks for drawing each of us here by your Spirit. We offer you thanks and praise for your presence and divine gifts here this morning. Here, where you operate through ordinary means to work your extraordinary miracles of salvation, restoration and renewal. From ordinary lips you proclaim your eternal life-giving word of the forgiveness of sins and your active royal reign.

“The words which I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life”.

Today and every day, speak your word into us, and pour out of us your Spirit and life.

Where there is hatred in our hearts, speak into us and pour out of us love; 

Where there is wrong in our hearts, speak into us and pour out of us forgiveness; 

Where there is discord among us, speak into us and pour out of us harmony; 

Where there are lies and error, speak into us and pour out of us truth; 

Where there is sadness, speak into us and pour out of us joy;

Where we are shaken by doubt, speak into us and pour out of us faith; 

Where we are restless and anxious, speak into us and pour out of us peace; 

Where we are drowning in despair, speak into us and pour out of us hope; 

Where we are haunted by the shadow of shame, speak into us and pour out of us light;

Where we are seeking, speak into us that we are found, and never to be lost from your fold.

All this we ask in your mighty name. Hold to your promises, Lord,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Nov 12th

J Patrick Miller

Gracious, Sovereign God, Lord of all nations,

On this Veterans Day weekend, we pause to reflect upon our blessings as a nation.

Thank you for the freedoms we enjoy, for the opportunity to flourish, to thrive, and for the security of our land. Thank you for the freedom to gather this morning to receive what only you can give: forgiveness, renewal, restoration, and rest in Jesus Christ.

We offer thanks for, and to, those who have served in the armed forces of our country. Committing themselves, for a season or a lifetime, to the service and defense of their neighbors. You are the shield around us through the men and women who wear this nation’s uniform. We ask that you fill our hearts with gratitude for the soldiers, sailors, marines, coast guardsmen, and airmen you call to service among us.

Renew our hearts, Lord, and give us such a servant’s heart, for you are the Servant King. Renew our hearts, Lord, for we quickly forget the sweet taste of forgiveness, and the fullness of forgiveness. We quickly forget how much we have been gifted in Christ, that we might pour out those gifts to others.

Renew our hearts, Lord, and make us receivers and proclaimers of the Gospel, of the Good News, of Christ. Receivers and proclaimers of the Good News of salvation. Receivers and proclaimers of the Good News of restoration. Receivers and proclaimers of the Good News of forgiveness on account of the crucified and living Christ. For according to His promise, having been forgiven, whoever we forgive is forgiven. And if  we do not proclaim forgiveness, then who will?

So we call on you, Lord, to cause us to walk in unity with the Spirit and mind of Christ that we might show sympathy, and live in brotherly love with tender and humble hearts. Renew our hearts so we do not live according to the world’s expectations, repaying evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, cause us to forgive, bless and serve our neighbor, for to this we are called in Christ, whose forgiveness washes over us that it may flow onto and into others.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Nov 5th

J Patrick Miller

Gracious, living and everlasting Lord,

This world is desperate for your healing. We are desperate for your healing, for your light, for your mercy. Let us not be satisfied with the mercy we’ve been granted in you yet tightfisted in flowing that mercy to others. Let us not be content to be served, yet slow and grudging in sacrificial service to those around us. Let us not be stingy with grace and forgiveness for others, when you have been so radically generous with us. 

We who have been forgiven much can find ourselves sitting around expecting much from others. Move us from that place where we love to judge and are possessed only by a hard hearted desire for justice. Move us to that place where we love mercy and possess a desire to see people live in the new life found in you. Hold to your promises and move us back and replant our feet under your cloak of righteousness and give us a new and merciful heart. A heart that is poor in spirit that it might be filled with your spirit, a heart that is meek that it might receive your kingdom, a heart that hungers for righteousness.

Shine your face upon us, and search our hearts to reveal those we hide our faces from. When we are turned inward with our own anxieties and fears, turn us to you in prayer, with every petition, and with thanksgiving that we might be made bearers of your light in this world. Bearers of your mercy, of your grace, of your forgiveness. Bearers of the truth that you are a stronghold in times of trouble, a stronghold for the weary. That you do not forget the cries of the afflicted, nor forsake those who seek you. Renew our hearts that we might trust in your steadfast love, that our hearts might rejoice in your salvation, and our souls sing, for you have dealt bountifully with us in your Son. It is in his name we pray.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Oct 29th

J Patrick Miller

“I heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord henceforth.’ ‘Blessed indeed,’ says the Spirit, ‘that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them.’”

Lord, let us remember with thanksgiving those who have gone to you before us with the gift of faith, for they were redeemed by God. You gave them new life through your Son. You nourished them in the company of your people at your holy table. In your mercy and wisdom, you called them to your nearer presence so that they may rest in your blissful peace forever. Grant us the same peace in this comforting truth.

Almighty and gracious Father,

By the Holy Spirit you have gathered us here this morning, as a small part of your whole church, so as a small part of the very body of Christ, we pray…..where we are corrupt, Lord, purify us; where we are in error, correct us; where we are amiss, reform us; where we are divided, reconcile us; where we are in need, provide for us; where we are right, Lord, strengthen us; all this we ask, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ.


Instead of dependence on you, we so often choose the false comfort of independence from you. Convinced of our own wisdom. Trusting in our own righteousness. Striving to justify ourselves before God on account of our own works, only to find that we do what we don’t want to do, and don’t do what your Spirit calls us to do. Turn our hearts to confess with the apostle Paul, “What a wretched person I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” 

By your Word, cause us to believe in our Savior faithfully and steadfastly, for He is faithful and steadfast for us. For Christ alone is our comfort and peace, Christ alone is our wisdom and righteousness, Christ alone is our justification and freedom, for Christ alone is our salvation. Hold fast to us in these truths, Lord. Unburden our troubled hearts and minds. Have us rest in the person and work of Christ and Christ alone.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Oct 22nd

J Patrick Miller

Almighty, merciful, and gracious Lord,

In the busyness of this life, in our daily struggle with our own sin, in the constant barrage of darkness, distraction and disillusionment from the voices all around us, we can find ourselves worn out, and weary.

Yet you know how to sustain with a word those who are weary.

When we are lonely,  “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

When we are afraid, “Peace be with you. Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

When we are weighed down by guilt, “Your sins are forgiven. Go, and from now on sin no more.”

When we are unsure about God’s love, “Take and eat. This is my body given for you. My blood shed for you.”

When we are weak, “I am the Good Shepherd . . . I lay down my life for the sheep. My power is made perfect in your weakness.”

When we are facing or fearing that enemy called death – “I am the Resurrection and Life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live”

So many ways we can be weary. “Come unto me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” Lord Jesus, you speak just the right word for the weary.

You are the Word made flesh, for us. Be the Christ for us. Draw us to your Word. By your Holy Spirit, guide us by your Word and transform us through your Word. Continue to be the lamp unto our feet, and the light unto our path. May the world know we are Christians, not by our wearied anger but by our love. May they know we are Christians, not by our wearied shouts of condemnation but by our mercy. May they know we are Christians, not by our wearied despair but by our hope in the one who fulfills his promises of restoration right now and in the kingdom to come. May they know we are Christians by our hope in You and You alone.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Oct 15th

J Patrick Miller

God of this day and of all days,

Be here with us today as we are gathered by your Holy Spirit. Pour out your gifts, Lord. Pour out your grace that restores us. Pour out your love that binds us, in Christ and with each other. Pour out your peace, your transcendent peace, that sustains us, even in the midst of the storms of life. Pour out your joy that fills us, even in the midst of sorrow and pain. Reach out with your touch that heals us, with your arms that hold us, now and forevermore. Have us know and believe that you are our God, and we are yours, never to be abandoned, forgotten, or forsaken. Pour out your compassion that speaks, “Rest in me. Be forgiven. Be comforted. It is finished.”


As we step into a time in your Word together, open our ears to hear. The words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times, for they are Spirit and they are life. Open our ears, turn our hearts to receive You and You alone, that we may be renewed, refreshed, and restored. 


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Oct 8th

J Patrick Miller

Merciful and gracious Lord,

In this busy world, we have so many worries and struggles we try to handle and overcome on our own. The heavy burden of the world’s obligations. The world’s confusing and conflicting expectations. All of the needs and temptations and hurts and frustrations and heartache and restlessness we find ourselves in. We can feel alone. We can feel lost. We can feel unseen. We all long to be seen.

But you see us. You are the God who sees. You know exactly where we are and you come to us in the midst of our struggles. You come to us through your Word here this morning. You come to us through your body and blood here this morning. You come to us through the indwelling of your Spirit and through the light you shine through others. 

King Jesus,

See us, interrupt our restlessness and give us rest. See us, invade our darkness and fulfill our needs as only you can. See us in our afflictions, and turn us to the cross where you took all of our hurts, frustrations, failure, sin and heartache as your own. 

See us, and shower us with your grace….your mercy…..your love…. and your peace.

This we pray, in the name of the God who sees, in the name of Jesus Christ,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Oct 1st

J Patrick Miller

Almighty, merciful, and loving God,

Yours is the love that knows no barriers, no borders, no boundaries. Yours is the love that conquers distance, time, and troubles.

Wherever we find ourselves, by your love, draw us together in communion with you and each other. To share, by faith in you, peace in our unity in You, in one body, one Spirit, one hope, one faith, one light, one baptism, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came to be and in whom we live.

To share, together, the joy of our unity in you and the fellowship we share with each other. To share, in thanks, the countless blessings you bestow on your creation and your children as you crash in your Kingdom light. 


To a world that is searching in darkness, by the power of your Word, shine your Kingdom light. To a world that is suffering, grant the hope of release, for though there is trouble in this world, we can take heart, for you have overcome the world. To a world that is broken, grant healing and wholeness in the gift of forgiveness and restoration we receive only in Jesus Christ and his work. Rest us in your fulfilled promise that we are saved, now and forever more.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Sept 24th

J Patrick Miller

Merciful Father,

In your graciousness, and on account of your son Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit, you bless us with unity with you, and unity with each other. Whether gathered side by side, or separated by distance, time, or troubles, we are one in you. And you bless us by turning us to you. Hear our prayer Lord through your Son, our mediation and our mediator. 

This day and every day, renew our hearts, Lord. Renew our hearts in Jesus Christ. 

When we are in doubt, renew our hearts with His assurance and confidence. 

When we are anxious and fearful, renew our hearts with His peace. 

When our nerves are frayed and we are quick to anger, renew our hearts with his patience and forgiveness. 

When we revel in fractures and division, renew our hearts with His spirit of reconciliation. 

When we are unfaithful, renew our hearts with His faithfulness.

Show us your ways, Lord, teach us your paths. By your Word here this morning, guide us in your truth and teach us, for you are God our Savior, and our hope is in you. 


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Sept 17th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

Be light for us, today and everyday. Send your Holy Spirit to be the spark that shines into the darkness into the darkness of this world and into the darkness we might find ourselves in.

Your Spirit hovers over us, gives us the very breath of life, and lives in us. To enliven us, to teach us, to instruct us, to lead us. To show us the Son, that we may be set free in the Son. 

By the power of your Word this morning, shatter the bondage of self in which we are chained. Renew our hearts in Jesus Christ that we might bear His image, pouring out grace, mercy, and love just as he poured out his blood on the cross  for our salvation.

Lord Jesus,

Comfort us with the truth that when we are overcome by distress or sorrow, we can call on your name for you are gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. Hold to your promise that the Lord protects the unwary; when we are brought low, He saves us. When we wander or find ourselves lost to temptation and the world’s ways, be our Great Shepherd. Hunt us down with your grace and love, with the Good News that it was for sinners just like us that you entered into the world to save it. 


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Sept 10th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty and gracious Lord,

As each new day dawns, grant us comfort in you and in the blessing that your mercies are new every morning. Grant us the comfort that whatever the age and wherever we may find our feet planted, your children are in your hands, the One who is the beginning and the end. The One who opens the door to eternal life, the door that no one can shut. 

Lord, You draw us to you and confront us with your Word. You draw us to you and comfort us with your Word. You draw us to you and confront us with our sin that we may be comforted by your grace. You draw us to you and we are confronted and comforted with the cross. 

In Christ, lifted on the perch of the cross, we see the frailty of our own lofty perch. 

Our own towering pride, nailed to the tree. 

The arrogant elevation of our own self-sufficiency, nailed to the tree. 

Our belief in and pursuit of our own kingdoms and our own righteousness, nailed to the tree. 

King Jesus, On the cross You have taken all of our pride, all of our idolatry, all of our unbelief, all of our sin as your own. By your mercy we are crucified with you, so that in you we have your resurrection life. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

Repent us Lord, with the assurance that your Kingdom is at hand. Rest us Lord, in the truth that you are the God of our salvation yesterday, today, and forever. Have us rejoice and walk in the newness of life in You. AMEN.

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Sept 3rd

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

By your Holy Spirit you’ve drawn each and every one of us here this morning. The gathering of this church is your work. You are the God of light and love and we pray you continue to shine your light to us, in us, and through us, in a world desperate for light.

Lord, through your Word, the universe came into being. With your same word, speak into each one of us the fullness of renewal and restoration we receive in the person and work of Jesus Christ. From the heart that swallowed up the hatred of the world on the cross, pour into and out of us love. From the heart that ate the bitter lies of the world on the cross, pour into and out of us truth. From the heart that bore the wrath we deserve on the cross, pour into and out of us forgiveness. Plant us as oaks of YOUR righteousness, bearing the fruit of your Spirit: faithfulness, gentleness, love, joy and peace. 

King Jesus, friend of sinners,

Open our ears and hearts that we may hear, know and believe. Have us just sit, and rest in your healing hands, as you make us new. In this time with you, drag us to the cross, carry us through the cross, and make us alive in your resurrection. In the midst of our struggles and defeats, wrap us in the truth that you are victorious over sin, death, and the devil, and your ultimate victory is our hope. Amen.

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Aug 27th

J Patrick Miller

Lord, As you’ve gathered us here in your name, pour out your Spirit through your Word, and settle our worried minds and hearts. Have us hear you say, “The words which I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life”. Make us vessels to receive peace from your Word. A peace that is deeper and richer than anything the world can offer. Peace in Jesus Christ. Peace that passes all understanding.

King Jesus, Be our rest. Rest us in your promise that a bruised reed you will not break, a faintly burning wick you will not quench, and a hungry heart you fill with the bread of life.
If we find ourselves parched for hope, pour your Word into us, and remind us that we are soaked in the living waters of baptism. Remind us that you have marked us and sealed us with your name. Remind us that you have taken us in your hands, and you are not letting go.

All this we pray, in the name of Jesus Christ the crucified, Jesus Christ the risen, Jesus Christ the living.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Aug 20th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We come to you in gratitude for the undeserved  love and mercy we find in Jesus Christ and for your beautiful creation in which you’ve placed us. Only in Jesus Christ, our mediator, are we able to pray, and on account of His promises we also know that we will be heard. You speak to us through your Word, and your Holy Spirit causes us to turn and speak to you prayer.

King Jesus,

Just a mustard seed, you said. Just a mustard seed of faith to move the mountain of doubts, sinful rebellion, and difficulties which we are often overwhelmed with in our weakness. We confess, Lord, that there are times when we reach out seemingly in vain for that mustard seed, seemingly in unanswered frustration or desperation for that mustard seed. 

Cause us to pause, to think for a moment, to realize the truth that in the very act of reaching out, we reveal the presence in our hearts of the very seed that we seek, the very gift of comforting, life giving faith. Faith gifted from the God who provides. Faith gifted from the God who seeks out and hunts down sinners in order to make them new. Faith gifted from the God who knows our brokenness and suffered, died and rose again that we might have His wholeness. Provide, Lord. Seek us out and hunt us down. Stir faith in our hearts and re-create us as you would have us be. Make us new and make us whole, in You.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Aug 13th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

God of majesty and power, who spoke and this world was, God who breathed and this world lived, God who laid the earth’s foundation and placed the stars in the sky, yet who knows us to the number of hairs upon our head. You know our thoughts and read our rebellious hearts yet love us beyond measure, for your mercies are new every morning. We turn to you in thanks and praise for sustaining us, holding us close, and drawing us together to receive your gifts this morning.


In seasons of change, uncertainty, new adventures, and discomfort, grant us comfort in you. Grant us the comfort that whatever the age, your children are in your hands, the One who is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. Grant us comfort in you and in your promise that we are yours, and you hold us in your hands. Hold fast to us, Lord, with your wounded hands that protect, guide, and heal.

King Jesus,

In a world obsessed with self, turn us to you.

In a world that demands we cloak ourselves in outrage, make us quiet beacons of your grace.

In a world that demands we declare small wars on our neighbor, cause us to declare peace wherever you plant our feet.

In a world who’s lifeblood, at times, seems to be lies and corruption, make us a mouthpiece of truth.

In a world that demands we consume, and consume, and consume, turn our hearts and hands to give as you do.

Through your Word, pour out the mercy and hope of your Kingdom. Pour out your Word and free us from the bondage of self that we might walk in your light and for your purposes.