In a world that seems long on worry and fear, but short on hope, have us pause on this Christmas Eve night to reflect that you carry and deliver hope in the most unlikely ways and into the most undignified places. From the lowly manger to the brutal cross to the triumphant empty tomb, turn us in hope to Christ.
Hope in the author of love, who knows what it is to be abandoned and so enters into our loneliness that we might never be alone. Hope in the fount of joy, who knows grief and so enters into our sadness to comfort the sorrowful. Hope in the God who gives, and pours out blessings beyond measure. Hope in the friend of sinners, who loves sinners so much that He took our sins as His own. Hope in the Word made flesh, who by His speaking from the ordinary lips of another, forgives, restores and enlivens everyone who hears and believes. Open our ears to hear, cause us to believe that we are forgiven and made new in Christ.
Lord, rest us in your word,
Comfort, comfort my people, the people walking in darkness have seen a great light, and the darkness cannot overcome it.
Make way, for the child is here. The King has come, the child long promised. Make way, for the child is here and He is the Way for you and for all. They way to honor instead of shame. The way to forgiveness instead of condemnation. The way to redemption instead of captivity, the way to restoration instead of brokenness, the way to true community instead of division, the way to true peace in the midst of wars large and small, the way to salvation.
Lord, circle us with the light of your presence, the Word made flesh, bright within this dark world. Spiritual light for the blind, the cup of salvation for the thirsty, the bread of life for the hungry. For unto us a child is born, a son is given. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Emmanuel, God iswith us.