Merciful and gracious Lord,
In this busy world, we have so many worries and struggles we try to handle and overcome on our own. The heavy burden of the world’s obligations. The world’s confusing and conflicting expectations. All of the needs and temptations and hurts and frustrations and heartache and restlessness we find ourselves in. We can feel alone. We can feel lost. We can feel unseen. We all long to be seen.
But you see us. You are the God who sees. You know exactly where we are and you come to us in the midst of our struggles. You come to us through your Word here this morning. You come to us through your body and blood here this morning. You come to us through the indwelling of your Spirit and through the light you shine through others.
King Jesus,
See us, interrupt our restlessness and give us rest. See us, invade our darkness and fulfill our needs as only you can. See us in our afflictions, and turn us to the cross where you took all of our hurts, frustrations, failure, sin and heartache as your own.
See us, and shower us with your grace….your mercy…..your love…. and your peace.
This we pray, in the name of the God who sees, in the name of Jesus Christ,