God of creation, God of redemption, author of life, author and perfecter of our faith,
We praise and thank you for the great wonders you have sent us: for the shining star that points to the Way, for the infant's cry in a lowly manger, for the Light’s quiet invasion into the darkness of this world in the Word made flesh as a little child, and for the resounding angels’ song which we hear alongside the shepherds of long ago.
King Jesus,
In you, the incomprehensible nature of God is comprehended enough, for in you the fullness of God dwells. In the One who is Justice, Mercy, Grace and Life itself, we have justice, mercy, grace, and life, for us. Because in you, God’s promise of salvation and restoration is fulfilled. In you God’s love is made manifest. We bring our sin, sorrows, fears, worry, and grief to you, Lord. And you have us surrender them at your feet, from the crib exchanged for a cross, where the cracks of our brokenness are filled with the purified gold of the blood of the Lamb.
Stir up your power, Lord, and come. Come and help us by your mighty word, that the sins and burdens that weigh us down may be lifted by your love.
For unto us a Child is born, a Son is given. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, entered into the world, so that He might make us new, so that He might make all things new.