SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Aug 6th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We offer you thanks this morning. For your beautiful creation we see all around us. We thank you for all the blessings you bestow on us. May this truth be always on our hearts: that the God who spoke this world into being, in love, He created, made, and formed each and every one of us.

We thank you for gathering us by your Holy Spirit to receive your gifts this morning. To receive refuge, renewal, restoration, and new life in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Thank you for this time and place of rest. Where our restless hearts find rest in you. Where we get to drink you in, the living water that gives eternal life.

Lord Jesus, friend of sinners,

For those of us drowning in doubt, flood us with your faithfulness.

For those of us haunted by the shadow of shame, shine your light of love.

For those of us who are weary under the weight of the burdens of this life, be our sabbath rest.

For every one of us who long for your presence, come Lord Jesus, come quickly and come close.

Emmanuel, God with us. Have us know and believe and find comfort in the promise of your name. A promise which you keep. Emmanuel, God is with us.

When we are walking in darkness, you are there.

When we are kneeling in weakness, you are there.

When we draw near feeling helpless, you are there.

When we are turned in repentance and needing forgiveness, you are there.

When our hearts ache for renewal, you are there, reaching out your long arm of grace.

You poured out your lifeblood on the cross for the salvation of the world. This morning, pour out your saving Word. Speak, Lord, pour into our ears and into our hearts your resurrection life.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - July 30th

J Patrick Miller

In a world that forms us for distraction, be our firm foundation. In a world full of so much noise and information that leaves us disenchanted and disillusioned, draw us into your Word, that we might see, believe and experience the reality of your good work in our midst.

Whether in fear or pride, we so often put our faith in other people, places, and things instead of you. Have mercy on us according to your steadfast love. Turn us to you and who you reveal yourself to fully be in Jesus Christ.

You sent your one and only Son into creation not to condemn it, but to save it. Not to demand that we pull ourselves up by our spiritual bootstraps, but to proclaim good news to the spiritually poor. 

King Jesus, 

You came into your creation not to condemn it, but to save it. To enter into our grief to provide comfort, to anoint us with the oil of joy in the midst of mourning, to cloak us in peace instead of a spirit of despair before God. To plant us as oaks of your righteousness, through whom you bear the fruit of your light, grace, and compassion. 

King Jesus, 

You came into your creation not to condemn it, but to save it. To bind up the brokenhearted. To proclaim the release of  prisoners from the darkness of our own making.To proclaim freedom for the captives of sin. Rest us in the truth of the Good News: “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.” 

Cause us to walk in that freedom, in the certainty of your promises in an uncertain world. Cause us to walk in that freedom, not in self righteousness but in the humility and lowliness of the very cross that has freed us. Cause us to walk in that freedom, proclaiming forgiveness when the world demands we condemn. Cause us to walk in that freedom, bearing the Good News of your present and active royal reign. It’s in your name we pray,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - July 23rd

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

You are the God of light and love. You’ve granted us the gift of walking in and sharing your light, not just in this place, but everywhere you lead us. By your Holy Spirit you’ve drawn each and every one of us here this morning.

Keep this church a place of rest and refuge. A place where you gather us, your children, to receive your gifts. Gifts of helpful guidance, grace and mercy, forgiveness and renewal. Free us from the lie that we have to, or that we can, earn your favor. Rest us in the truth that Christ has already done it for us.

King Jesus,

How often, when weary, do we sigh 'The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.' How often are our thoughts and hearts distracted….by temptation, by loud voices of the world shouting everything but the Gospel, by the consequences and baggage of our own sinful struggles. By the baggage carried with us, rather than left at your feet. Draw us by your Word to be in your presence, to hear you speak rest into our hearts, “You are weary and heavy laden. But take my yoke, for it is easy and my burden is light.” 

Soothe our worried and distracted minds and hearts this morning. Make us vessels to receive your promise of a peace that is deeper and richer than anything we can imagine. Peace in Jesus Christ. Peace that passes all understanding. Peace that says, “Rest. Do not be afraid. For I am with you.”

In the name of Jesus Christ, the King of kings,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - July 16th

J Patrick Miller

Come to us. Come Lord Jesus and wash over us with your peace.  Keep us in your grip. Hold fast to our hearts with your words that though there is suffering in this life you have overcome the world. Hold fast with your promise, and have us see and rejoice, that in this groaning creation you are invading and making all things new...and right. Help the hurting among us to know that when we are suffering that you suffered for us. Rest us in your assurance that you know our pain because you took the pains of the world as your own on the cross.

Remind us that in our weakness, your power is made perfect, and that in our weakness you are merciful. Where our hope wanes, Lord, love us back into hope again. 

Where there are two or more gathered in your name, you promise to be there. We offer you thanks for your presence and divine gifts here this morning. Here, where you operate through ordinary means to work your miracles of salvation and restoration. Here, where from ordinary lips you proclaim your eternal life-giving word of the forgiveness of sins and your active royal reign.

As we step into your word, quiet whatever fear, stress and worry we may have in our hearts and minds. 

Open our ears to hear and believe your word, that the preached word might be written on our hearts. It's in your mighty name we pray.


Opening Psalm Prayer by Patrick - July 9th

J Patrick Miller

The Lord is gracious and compassionate. He is slow to get angry with us, and rich in love. The Lord has compassion on all he has made. So of course we praise you, Lord; those receiving your goodness lift your name on high. Your kingdom of blessings is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion will endure through all generations.

We most certainly praise you Lord ; we who receive good things from your hand, lift your name on high. The Lord is gracious and compassionate. He is slow to get angry with us, and rich in love.

Amen. So shall it be. 

Opening Psalm Prayer by Patrick - July 2nd

J Patrick Miller

You arise Lord, and you bless us and protect us. 

You deflect from our lives the plots & plans of darkness. 

For your ways are flawless, better than silver purified in a crucible. Your love is glorious, like gold refined seven times. 

You Lord, watch over us, & guide us forever. 

Your loyalty & goodness will destroy all wicked ways, and the praises of our lips will be for You. 

You arise Lord, and you bless us and protect us.

Amen. So shall it be. 

Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - June 25th

J Patrick Miller

God of this day and of all days,

In a world which has so much to say and not much time for listening, you have drawn us here this morning to be still and to hear your voice. 

In a world that seems soaked in hate, but thirsty for love, pour out your word of love. Bind up the wounded and brokenhearted. In a world that seems heavy with condemnation, but light on forgiveness, pour out your word of freeing forgiveness.

Bless and fortify, and send the peacekeepers, the Gospel speakers. Speak through your church for the forgiveness and benefit and building up of all those whom, by your word, you created, made and formed.


In a world that seems long on worry and fear, but short on hope, have us pause to reflect that you carry and deliver hope in the most unlikely ways and into the most undignified places. Turn us in hope to Christ. 

Hope in the author of love, who knows what it is to be abandoned and so enters into our lonely pain that we might never be alone. Hope in the fount of joy, who knows grief and so enters into our sadness  to comfort the sorrowful. Hope in the friend of sinners, who loves sinners so much that He took our sins as His own on the cross. Hope in the Word made flesh, who by His speaking, forgives, restores and enlivens everyone who hears and believes. Open our ears to hear, cause us to believe, that we are forgiven and made new in Christ.


Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - June 18th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

In your graciousness, and by your Holy Spirit, you bless us with this time and place of sanctuary and rest in your son Jesus Christ. You bless us by turning us to you. Hear our prayer Lord through your Son, our mediator and our mediation. 

Lord Jesus,

We all come to you with the struggle and burden of our sin this morning. Things we have done, and things we have left undone. Words of anger or condemnation we have spoken, and words of grace and forgiveness we have withheld. Thoughts and actions centered only on ourselves, instead of outward in love and service toward our neighbors, friends and enemies alike. Placing our faith and and hope in any number of people, places, and things, instead of placing our faith and hope solely in You. We come to you as beggars with empty hands. Be the Christ for us and pour out your gifts. Be the friend and pardoner of sinners. Be our righteousness. In your mercy turn our hearts to repentance, gift us faith and forgive us, renew us, and lead us that we might walk in your ways and not our own.


On this Father’s Day morning, we give special thanks for the men in our lives. And we remember those whom you’ve called to rest with you in paradise. We thank you for those, who with a fatherly spirit, serve us, shape us and love us. Those through whom you mark your path of justice and mercy, discipline and forgiveness, guidance and grace. For those of us gifted with the role of father, by blood or in spirit, turn us to our true primary calling. Our calling to be the mouthpiece of forgiveness in our homes and amongst our neighbors. Make us new, that we may be the voice of the loving God who forgives on account of the person and work of Christ and for His sake. Possess us with your Spirit that we might bear your image for a world that desperately needs Gospel rest.


Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - June 11th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty, merciful, and saving God,

Grant us comfort in you. Grant us the comfort that whatever the age, and whatever our troubles and struggles, you have put your name on us. Your children are in your hands, the one true creating, redeeming, and sanctifying God. Grant us comfort in you and in the solid fact we are yours, held fast by your long arm of grace.  


In a world that constantly drives and shapes us to seek satisfaction for our souls in everything and everywhere but you, turn us to you. Turn us away from the world’s ways and our own ways, and grant us a contrite heart. For a contrite heart you will not despise. By your Word, turn us to the cross so that by faith we might see and know that you are faithful even when we are unfaithful. Turn us to you in hope and faith in your promise that you know your plans for us, and they are good. Hope and faith in your promise that you are with us always, to the end of this age and into the kingdom to come. Hope and faith in your promise that  by your Word of forgiveness this morning the resurrection life is invading right here and right now, and that soon you will make all things new.

It’s in the mighty name of Christ we pray,


Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - June 4th

J Patrick Miller


There are times, when deep in our soul you seem so far away. Seasons and moments when we find that we have been consumed by our own self-interest, our ambition, our fear, our pride and self-righteousness, our desire to control. When you cause our own hearts to declare and admit our guilt, draw us close and turn us to you. Have us hear your voice cut through all the noise and distraction of this world. Bring to our sinfulness the cleansing waters of your forgiveness, that having been washed, we might know release and freedom in you.

King Jesus

You are the one who is Word made flesh, true light of true light, God with us, the one who will not forsake us, no matter how far we run and now matter how far we might feel we are from your presence. Turn us and faith us to know you are near, to know that you are present and active in your Word. In this moment, quiet whatever distractions and worry we may have on our hearts and minds and write the preached Word of forgiveness on our hearts.

It’s in your name we pray,


Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - May 28th

J Patrick Miller


Today on Pentecost Sunday, and everyday, fill us and enliven us with your Holy Spirit that we might rejoice in proclaiming the Gospel, and rest in the Good News of Christ. Grant us joy in the truth that your Word of Good News is not just information, but the living power of the living God. 

“The words which I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life”.

Pour out your Spirit and settle our busy and restless minds and hearts this morning. Make us vessels to receive your promise of a peace that is deeper and richer than anything we can imagine. Peace in Jesus Christ. Peace in the midst of daily triumphs. Peace in the midst of daily struggles. Peace that passes all understanding.

By the power of your Word, shatter the bondage of self in which we are chained. Create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us. Renew our hearts, Lord, so they might burn not with self interest but with love for our neighbors. Renew our hearts to bear the fruit of the Spirit, the good fruit that this world needs: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

As we go about our day, have us know and walk in the assurance that your Spirit hovers over us, gives us the very breath of life, and lives in us. To stir us, to correct us, to work through us, to comfort us, to teach us, to lead us. And ultimately, to show us the Son, that we may be set free in the Son.

All this we pray in the name of the One whose name is above all names, Jesus the Christ,


Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - May 21st

J Patrick Miller


Whether in gladness or sorrow, with either joy or raw lament, we can call on you with “Come, Lord Jesus”. And you answer, “Yes, I Am coming quickly!” 

And we can call on you for mercy.

Have mercy on us, for we are full of pride. Trusting, not in you, but in ourselves. When our conscience is troubled by sin and doubt  and worry we often turn, not to you, but inward and remain trapped in a prison of our own making, thinking we can balance out our sin and earn your favor by doing our best.

Have mercy on us, for we don’t love our neighbors as brothers and sisters within your good creation, but instead we so often see them as enemies to be defeated, as competitors for earthly success, or as a project or an agenda item to be checked off on our list of good works.

Have mercy on us, for we are blind and deaf in our sin, loving the darkness in our selfish hearts instead of the light in yours.

Have mercy on us. When we feel lonely, distant in our doubt, or that you are far away, help us remember your promise that you are with us always.

Have mercy on us. When we are fearful, have us remember that in You there is no fear, because you have conquered sin, death, and the devil, and you are working to restore your creation.

Rest us in the truth that you are the light of the world, and you continuously crash your light into our darkness, because You cannot help but shine.


Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - May 14th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We thank you for bringing us here this morning, to receive your gifts. To receive renewal, restoration, forgiveness and new life in the person and work of Jesus Christ.


On this Mother’s Day morning, we give special thanks for all the ladies in our lives. And we remember those whom you’ve called to rest with you in paradise. We thank you for our mothers, our wives, our sisters, our aunts through whom you love us and guide us. We thank you for these ladies, whom you wear like a mask and through whom you shine your light of grace and sacrificial love. You so often work in the women around us to shine as a beacon when we’re in the midst of a storm. May their care continue to be  a mirror of your compassionate heart. 


Today and everyday, remind us and have us take comfort that your word is living and active. When you say “Let there be…”, things happen. When the sun rises and sets, you are speaking. When a tree bears fruit, you are speaking. When a child is born, and a mother is made, you are speaking. 

When a church is gathered, when the discarded are salvaged, when the hurt are healed, when the broken are restored, when sinners are forgiven, when the dead are made alive, you are speaking. Rest us in the truth that when your word goes out, it does not return to you empty, but accomplishes the purpose for which you send it. 

In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,


Confirmation Sunday Prayer by Pastor Jason - May 14th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We thank you for gathering us here by the Holy Spirit this morning. We thank you for gathering us that we might be restored and renewed in Christ, the friend of sinners. By the proclamation of the fullness of the good news in Christ, cleanse our sinful hearts and cloak us in your righteousness.

And, Lord, we thank you for this special day of celebration, for the opportunity to celebrate your work in the lives of Josh, Aubrey, Chloe, Ben, Jason, and Cooper. 

King Jesus, rest them in the truth that your story is their story. Rest them in the truth that you have grafted them into you, and their lives, into your resurrection life. You created them, you made them, you formed them. Have them know that you keep your promise to be with them always. That you have put your name on them, gifting them faith in you in their baptism, and that you call them by the Holy Spirit to your Word through which you continue to mature their faith.

Remind us that this is not just a graduation, but the crossing of a threshold as you continue to guide, shape, and transform your children over a lifetime.

May the good work that you do, to them, in them, and through them, be brought to completion on the day when you make all things new.

In the name of Jesus Christ the crucified, Jesus Christ the Risen, Jesus Christ the Living,


Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - April 23rd

J Patrick Miller

Merciful, gracious, compassionate Lord,

As you’ve drawn us here by the Holy Spirit we ask that you make this church a place of refuge, a place of restoration, a place of true Gospel rest. We ask that you free us from the lie, the devil’s lie, the world’s lie, our own lie, that we can and need to earn your favor and our righteousness before you. Graciously close every loophole of self-sufficiency we try to squeeze through. Close those loopholes of quiet rebellion, those loopholes of doing things our way, so we may walk in your ways, so we may know only Christ alone and him crucified, and that it is by the gift of faith in Him and His works we are made righteous, not by our own.

King Jesus,

In a world overrun with moralistic scorekeeping, in a world steeped in self-righteousness of every flavor but lacking in confession and repentance, in a world long on condemnation but short on forgiveness, speak through your church. For, for you to speak is to do. Make us your hands and feet, serving our neighbor in love and humility. Make us your mouthpiece, proclaiming forgiveness as the fruit of the mercy and grace you pour into us. A grace that loves us so much, that you took on flesh and entered your creation as one of us, so that from the cross and out of the empty tomb you might save us.

Reach out with your compassion that speaks, “Rest in me. Be forgiven. Be comforted. It is finished.”

All this, we pray in your mighty name,


Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - April 16th

J Patrick Miller


Our hearts and minds so easily get tempted, distracted, and turned by the unceasing tide of voices all around us. Speak, Lord, that by your Word our hearts may again be turned to you. From the heart that swallowed up the hatred of the world on the cross, pour into and out of us love. From the heart that ate the bitter lies of the world on the cross, pour into and out of us truth. From the heart that bore the wrath we deserve on the cross, pour into and out of us forgiveness. 

Turn our hearts from our own self-righteousness and plant us as oaks of your righteousness. Proclaiming wholeness in you, in a world that seeks only to divide. Proclaiming healing in you, in a world that is quick to wound. Proclaiming honor in you, in a world that seeks only to shame. Proclaiming salvation in you, in a world that seems to shout only condemnation. 

God, through your word, the universe came into being. With your same word, speak into each of us the fullness of renewal and restoration we receive in the crucified and risen Christ. It’s in His name we pray,


Easter Prayer by Pastor Jason - 2023

J Patrick Miller


We offer you thanks and praise this Easter morning, and we beseech you to remove the veil from our eyes, ears, and hearts. Remove the veil so we might see your resurrection life at work in our midst, and know that in you we have the assurance of our own resurrection. In this dawning of spring, in your beautiful creation we see all around us, have us see the reflection and foretaste of your new creation to come. Have us rejoice in the adventure of the resurrection life with friends and family through whom you walk with us, love us, guide us, and serve us. 

Almighty God, as we all wrestle with the doubts, frustrations and temptations, and the sin and suffering of this life, turn our hearts to your fulfilled promise in Christ, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” You make a way in the wilderness of this age and pour out rivers of grace and living water through your one and only son. Grace that is love that is gentle with a doubting heart. Grace that is love whose power is made perfect in our weakness. Grace that is love that seeks us out when we have nothing to give in return. Grace that is love that turns our sinful hearts toward restoration in your word of forgiveness.

King Jesus,

When we are shaken by the tribulations of our time, hold fast to us with your promise “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” When we are anxious, worried, and fearful in our sin, have us remember that in you there is no fear, because you have conquered sin, death, and the devil. The tomb is empty. Comfort us with your words:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” 

I am your Creator

I am the breath and author of life

I am the author and perfecter of your faith

I am the Word made flesh, for you

I am your repentance, your atonement and your righteousness

I am your Sabbath rest

I am the friend and pardoner of sinners

I am the resurrection and the life

Jesus Christ the crucified

Jesus Christ the risen

Jesus Christ the living, never forsaking you, always helping you, always making you new.


Good Friday Prayer by Pastor Jason - 2023

J Patrick Miller

O, Lord, you are our God, and you turn our hearts to praise your name. For you have done wonderful things. A plan, formed of old. A plan, faithful and sure. A plan for the salvation and restoration of your creation in the person and work of your son, Jesus Christ. Renew our hearts Lord, that we might share in and hold fast to the confession of the prophet Isaiah:

He will swallow up death forever.

The Lord has spoken. In that day they will say,

“Surely this is our God;

    we trusted in him, and he saved us.

This is the Lord, we trusted in him;

    let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”

King Jesus, 

We pause and gather to remember God’s fulfilled plan in your sacrificial love from the cross for all of creation….and for us.  A sacrificial love that willingly drank the full cup of God’s wrath in our stead. A sacrificial love that shined light into the heart of darkness. That lived truth through shouts of incrimination and lies. That brought fullness from such dreadful emptiness. That brought unity from complete abandonment. That revealed hope out of bloody devastation. That unleashed ultimate freedom by imprisonment on the cross. That brought us forgiveness instead of deserved punishment. A sacrificial love that brought life through the swallowing up of death itself.

He will swallow up death forever. It is finished. The Lord has spoken. It is finished indeed.


Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - April 2nd

J Patrick Miller

Mighty, merciful, and gracious Lord,

As we are gathered in your name today, remind us of the living and active promise that you are making us new, that you have marked us and sealed us with your very name. If we find ourselves parched for joy in the midst of our own troubles, in the midst of our own struggles with sin, stir our hearts to repentance and pour your Word of forgiveness onto us and into us this morning. Rest us in your promise that a bruised reed you will not break, a faintly burning wick you will not quench. Rest us in the truth that we are soaked in the living waters of baptism, and that the hungry heart you fill with the bread of life.  

King Jesus,

On this Palm Sunday as we reflect on your entry into Jerusalem toward the cross, have us shout “Hosanna!” with the church eternal at your coming. “Hosanna!” “God who saves, Save us!” Remind us that when we shout “Hosanna!” it is out of our need for salvation, but also in faith that in you, we are already saved. Saved from the clutches of sin, death, and the devil.

Turn us to you, Lord, in hope and faith in your promise that your resurrection life is invading right now; hope and faith in your promise that you are as close to us as our next breath; hope and faith in the truth that you know your plans for us. Plans to help us, to heal us, to restore us, and to ultimately make us new.

All this we pray, in the mighty name our Savior King, the Servant King, Jesus the Christ.


Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - March 26th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We thank you for this church family, for each and every one of us whom you’ve gathered by your Holy Spirit to receive your gifts this morning. To receive refuge, restoration, and new life in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Thank you for this time and place of rest.


Just as you’ve drawn us here by the Holy Spirit, continue to pour out your Spirit this morning; to convict us of our sin, yes, but to lead us to the Son, so we may be set free in the Son. As we go about our days, may the Holy Spirit work through us in the freedom that we have in Christ. Work through us to be who you would have us be, graciously but boldly bearing your image. In the midst of the world’s tension cause us instead to be deliverers of your rest. In the midst of the world’s uncertainty cause us to be deliverers of the certainty of your fulfilled promises. 


Renew us by your Word of forgiveness that we might be living mirrors of your grace, proclaiming words not of condemnation, but of restoration in you. Turn us from our sinful ways and rest us in you, not regretting and reliving the sins of the past, which you have forgiven and forgotten, nor worried and anxious about the future, which you hold in your hands. Have us live in thanksgiving in the gift of this present moment. Turn us to you, that we might then be turned to pour out love and compassion to those you bring near us. 

It’s in the mighty and merciful name of Jesus Christ we pray,