SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - May 22nd

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

Where there are two or more gathered in your name, you promise to be there. We offer you thanks for your presence and divine gifts here this morning. HERE, where you operate through ordinary means to work your miracles of salvation. From the ordinary lips of a pastor you proclaim your eternal life-giving word of the forgiveness of sins and the Kingdom to come. Through the ordinary means of bread and wine, you invade the darkness and gift us your very body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins and the strengthening of our faith in you. Crash in your resurrection light, into this creation, and into each and every one of us.  Crash in your light, through your Word and through your body and blood.

King Jesus,

In a world obsessed with self, turn us to you and turn us to our neighbor in love.

In a world that demands we cloak ourselves in outrage, make us quiet beacons of your grace.

In a world that demands we declare small wars on our neighbor, cause us to declare peace wherever you plant our feet.

In a world that revels in fracture and division, make us vessels of reconciliation.

In a world who’s lifeblood, at times, seems to be lies and corruption and greed, make us a mouthpiece of truth and guide us to a life of generosity.

In a world that demands we consume, and consume, and consume, turn our hearts and hands to give as you do.

Through your Word, pour out the mercy and hope of your Kingdom this morning, and pour it into our ears and hearts. Pour out your word that we might be set free, for whom the Son sets free, is free indeed.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - May 15th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty, merciful, gracious God,

We thank you for the freedom and opportunity we have to come together in fellowship with each other and with You. We thank you for the refuge and sanctuary we have in You and for this church family, whom you’ve gathered by the Holy Spirit, to receive your gifts this morning. Lord, we ask that you continue to bless and sustain us through all the ups and downs of this life.


By the light of your Word we see the dark mark of our sin. Yet by the light of your Word we are also marked with forgiveness and new life. Let us be marked not for sorrow, but marked as one who is claimed by the “man of sorrows”. Let us be marked not for cold and hardened self-righteousness, but for Christ shown and Christ given humility. Let us be marked not for our shame, but marked by the Holy One who was shamed by the world that He might save it.

King Jesus,

So often we fall to temptation, and bear the fruit of sin: hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy. Be the friend and pardoner of sinners. In your mercy turn us, repent us, faith us, forgive us, renew us.

Remind us that we are marked with your name, and stir your Holy Spirit within us that we might instead bear the fruit of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

In your mighty and gracious name,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - May 8th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We thank you for bringing us here this morning, to receive your gifts. To receive renewal, restoration, forgiveness and new life in the person and work of Jesus Christ.


On this Mother’s Day morning, we give special thanks for all the ladies in our lives. And we remember those whom you’ve called to rest with you in paradise. We thank you for our mothers, our wives, our aunts, our sisters, our sisters in Christ…... through whom you love us and guide us. We thank you for these ladies, whom you wear like a mask and through whom you shine your light of grace. You so often work through the women around us to shine as a beacon when we’re in the midst of a storm. Their guidance and caring are a mirror of your heart. We pray you continue to strengthen the women in our lives in the divine roles you’ve given them.


As we are gathered here together in you, remind us that your word is living and active. When you say “Let there be…”, things happen. When the sun rises and sets, you are speaking. When you wash your creation in life giving rain, you are speaking. When a tree bears fruit, you are speaking. When a child is born, and a mother is made, you are speaking. 

When the discarded are salvaged, when the hurt are healed, when the broken are restored, when the sinful are forgiven, when the unbelieving believe, when the dead are made alive, you are speaking. 

Have us hear your voice and believe. Pour out your life giving Good News that we might find rest and be made new in you.

In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - May 1st

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We offer you thanks this morning. For your beautiful creation we see all around us. We thank you for all the blessings you bestow on us.

We thank you for the miracle of this church family, whom you’ve gathered by your Holy Spirit, not to serve you but to be served by you, not to offer some spiritual sacrifice but to receive your gifts. To receive refuge, renewal, restoration, and new life in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Thank you for this time of rest. Where our restless hearts find rest in you. 

Lord Jesus, friend of sinners,

For those of us drowning in doubt, flood us with your faithfulness.

For those of us haunted by the shadow of shame, shine your light of love.

For a world weary under the weight of the burdens of this life, be our sabbath rest.

For every one of us who long for your presence, come Lord Jesus, come quickly.

Emmanuel, God with us. Have us know and believe and find comfort in the promise of that name. A promise which you keep. Emmanuel, God is with us.

When we are walking in darkness, you are there.

When we are kneeling in weakness, you are there.

When we draw near feeling helpless or hopeless, you are there.

When we are turned in repentance and needing forgiveness, you are there.

When our hearts ache for renewal, you are there, reaching out with an arm that is long enough to save.

You poured out your lifeblood on the cross for the salvation of the world. This morning, pour out your life giving Word. Speak, Lord, pour into our ears and into our hearts your resurrection life.


Pastor Jason’s Easter Prayer - April 17th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

You make a way in the wilderness of this age and pour out rivers of grace and living water through your one and only son, Jesus Christ.


We offer you thanks and praise this Easter morning, and we beseech you to lift the veil from our eyes, and ears, and hearts. Tear the shroud, lift the veil so we might see your resurrection life at work in our midst, and know that in you we have the assurance of our own resurrection. In the dawning and blooming of spring, in your beautiful creation we see all around us, have us see the reflection and foretaste of your new creation to come. Have us rejoice in the adventure of the resurrection life with friends and family through whom you walk with us, love us, guide us, and serve us. 

Lord, as we all wrestle with the doubts, frustrations and temptations, and the suffering of this life, turn our hearts to your fulfilled promise in Christ, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”.

King Jesus,

When we are shaken by the tribulations of our time, of our own lives, hold fast to us with your promise “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” When we are anxious, worried, and fearful in our sin, have us remember that in you there is no fear, because you have conquered sin, death, and the devil. The tomb is empty. The Christ is on the loose, the Servant King reigns. Lift the veil, pour into our ears, and mark our hearts with your words for us, your children:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” 

I am your Creator

I am the breath and author of life

I am the author and perfecter of your faith

I am the Word made flesh, for you

I am the fulfillment of the Law, for you

I am the Lamb of God, and I am the Lion of the tribe of Judah

I am your atonement and I am your righteousness

I am your Sabbath rest

I am the friend and pardoner of sinners

I am your restorer and reconciler

I am your priest, most high

I am the raiser of the dead and the killer of death

I am Jesus Christ the crucified

I am Jesus Christ the Lord of Lords

I am Jesus Christ the King of Kings

I am your savior.


 I am Jesus Christ The Risen

I am Jesus Christ The Living

Go and shout it, the tomb is empty, the risen Christ is on the loose, your Servant King reigns and He reigns forever.


Pastor Jason‘s Prayer - April 10th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

In your graciousness, and by your Holy Spirit, you bless us with sanctuary and rest in your son Jesus Christ. You bless us by calling and drawing us to you. 

King Jesus,

In our daily struggle with our own sin, the darkness in this world can make it seem like there is no hope. In the midst of our struggles, comfort us with the truth that you are active right here and right now through your Word and your body and blood. Comfort us with the truth that it is precisely into our struggles where you enter, in order to help us, and to carry us in hope.Turn us to you in hope, Lord, 

“Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey”. 

As we celebrate and reflect on your entry into Jerusalem this Palm Sunday, spark our hearts to shout along with the church eternal at your coming, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”,  “Hosanna!”, “The One who saves, save us!” Remind us that when we shout “Hosanna!” it is out of our need for salvation, but also, in faith, that in you we are already saved. Saved from the clutches of sin, death, and the devil. For the King we welcome is the Servant King, the King who bears the wrath of God in our stead, that by His blood we are made full heirs of His Kingdom.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - April 3rd

J Patrick Miller

Gracious Lord Jesus,

You are the light of the world. Comfort us with the truth that no matter how deep, our own darkness and the darkness of the world cannot overcome your light. By your Word, send your Holy Spirit, and be the light that shines in whatever darkness we might find ourselves. In this unsettled time, settle our discontented and restless minds and hearts. Make us vessels to receive your promise of a peace that is deeper and richer than anything we can imagine. Peace in you. Peace that passes all understanding.


Continue to pour out your Spirit; to enliven us, to teach us, to shape us, and to lead us. To show us the Son, so we may be set free in the Son. As we go about our days, work through us in the freedom that we have in Christ. Work through us to be who you would have us be, graciously but boldly “imaging” you. 

In the midst of the world’s tension cause us to be deliverers of your rest. In the midst of the world’s uncertainty cause us to be deliverers of the certainty of your fulfilled promises. 


Renew us by your Word that we might be living mirrors of your grace, proclaiming words not of condemnation, but of salvation in you. For you did not come into the world to condemn it, but to save it. Turn us and rest us in you, not regretting and reliving the sins of the past, which you have forgiven and forgotten, nor worried and anxious about the future, which you hold in your hands. Have us live in thanksgiving in the gift of this present moment. Turn us to you, that we might then be turned to pour out love and compassion to those you bring near us. 

It’s in your mighty and merciful name we pray,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - March 27th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

Before we take in the countless and often loud and distracting voices of the day, have us hear, in these early hours, the voice of our Creator and Redeemer. Waken our ears to hear your Word of light, love, and life. You show yourself to be our God because you do not remain silent, but you speak to us, in song, the proclaimed Word, and in your body and blood.

Speak, Lord, and rest us in place, here where you’ve planted us, living in the hour that is at hand. Evict all of the anxieties, worries, fears, and doubts of this world that cloud our minds and hearts. Create in us a clean heart, a receiving heart turned to you. You who are present now, and you, who has something you will do, now, through the proclamation of your living and active Word.

Speak, Lord Jesus, and wash over each and every one of us with your compassion and peace. Keep us in your grip today and every day. Hold fast to our hearts with your words that though there is tribulation in this world, you have overcome the world. Rest us in your assurance that you do not leave us in the sin and struggles of this world and our own hearts, having taken them as your own on the cross. Hold fast with your blood bought promise that in this groaning creation you are speaking and invading and making all things new and right. 

And rest us in hope. Because in You our salvation and the salvation of the world has come, is active now, and will come again.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - March 20th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty and merciful God,

We praise and thank you for this day. For your good and beautiful creation we see all around us. We thank you for all the blessings you bestow on us. May this truth be always on our hearts: that the God spoke this world into being, in love, He created, made, and formed each and every one of us.


In seasons of uncertainty, disruption, and discomfort, grant us comfort in you. Grant us the comfort that whatever the age, your children are in your hands, the One who is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. Grant us comfort in you and in your promise that we are yours, and you hold us in your hands. Hold fast to us, Lord, with your wounded hands that protect, guide, and heal.

King Jesus,

In a world obsessed with self, turn us to you.

In a world that demands we cloak ourselves in outrage, make us quiet beacons of your grace.

In a world that demands we see our neighbors as competition or worse, as enemies to defeat, cause us to declare peace wherever you plant our feet.

In a world who’s lifeblood, at times, seems to be self-serving lies and corruption, make us a mouthpiece of truth.

In a world that demands we consume, and consume, and consume, turn our hearts and hands to give as you do.

Through your Word, pour out the mercy and hope of your Kingdom. Pour out your Word and free us from the bondage of self that we might walk in the light of the Lord for your purposes.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - March 13th

J Patrick Miller

God of this day and of all days,

In a world which has so much to say and not much time for listening, quiet our hearts and minds that we might hear your voice. By your Word, reach out with your justice that convicts us. With your grace and mercy that forgives us. With your love that binds us. With your peace that calms us. With your touch that heals us. With your joy that fills us. Have us know and believe that you are our God, and we are your children.


In the midst of struggles, and oftentimes despite all evidence to the contrary, you are working to help, to encourage, to lift up, to shape, to renew and to fill us up with You.

Have us walk forward each day while looking backward in faith. Faith in you, and your saving work on the cross and in your resurrection. Faith in you, so even in hard and anxious times, we may see and celebrate the moments of light that only you can author. 

Faith in you, and peace in our unity in You, in one body, one Spirit, one hope, one faith, one light, one baptism, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came to be and in whom we live. Faith in you, Jesus, in whom all the Promises of God are “Yes”:

That you will never forsake us.

That though our flesh and hearts might fail, you are our Rock and our portion forever.

That you will be with us always.

That you made us new, are making us new, and one day will fully make us new.

In your mighty name we pray, 


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - March 6th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty and merciful God,

In your graciousness, and on account of your son Jesus Christ and by your Holy Spirit, you bless us by gathering us in your name. And you bless us by turning us to you. We are drawn to your feet in worship, your creation facing its creator. Our hearts laid bare by your light, asking for your mercy. We come to you as a people in need of assurance and forgiveness. We come to you as a people in need of healing and wholeness. We come dependent upon your love. Have us trust in your promises.

Hear our prayer Lord through your Son. 

King Jesus,

In uncertain times, the darkness in this world can make it seem like there is no light. 

When we are walking in darkness, have us listen and hear your voice, “I am the light of the world”.

When we are kneeling in weakness, have us listen and hear your voice, “In your weakness, my power is made perfect.”

When we are burdened by fear, have us listen and hear your voice, “Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.” 

Where we are restless and anxious, and turned in on ourselves instead of outward in love and compassion, speak your peace into us, and over us. Cling to us with your words: “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” 

In the midst of our struggles, comfort us with the truth that you are active in the “here and now”. Comfort us with the truth that it is precisely into our struggles where you enter, in order to help us. And comfort us with the truth that it is precisely into our struggles where you enter, in order to carry us in hope.

All this we pray in the name of our friend, our comforter, our savior, our King, Jesus Christ.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Ash Wednesday

J Patrick Miller


You draw us here and confront us and comfort us with your Word. You draw us here and confront us with our sin and comfort us with your grace. 

You draw us here and confront us and comfort us with the cross. 

In Christ, exalted on the cross, we see the price paid for our own sin. 

Our own towering pride, nailed to the tree. 

The arrogant elevation of our own self-sufficiency, nailed to the tree. 

Our belief in and pursuit of our own kingdoms, our own way, nailed to the tree. 

King Jesus,

You have taken all of our struggles, all of our idolatry, all of our unbelief, all of our scheming self-justification, all of our sin as your own. By your mercy we are crucified with you, so that in you we might have your resurrection life.

By the light of your Word we see the dark mark of our sin. Yet by the light of your Word we are also marked with forgiveness and new life in your blood.

Repent us Lord, with the assurance that your Kingdom is at hand. 

Have us see that this is the one day of the year we get to see the cross of our baptism traced on our foreheads. Have us know that the ashes that mark our foreheads are not for show. They are a preached proclamation. A terrifying reminder of the truth of our mortality, ashes to ashes and dust to dust. Yet they are also a Spirit breathed confession of hope, because God breathes life into dust.

So we are marked as children of the darkness, rescued to become children of the Lord of Light.

In the gracious and mighty name of Jesus Christ,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Feb 27th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty and merciful God,

God of majesty and power, who spoke and this world was, God who breathed and this world lived, yet who knows us to the number of hairs upon our head. You know our thoughts and read our hearts yet love us beyond measure, sending your one and only Son into the world, not to condemn it, but that the world might be saved through Him. We turn to you in thanks and praise for sustaining us, holding us close, and drawing us together to receive your gifts this morning.

God of love, who brought love into this world in your Son, be the love that dwells between us.

God of joy, who brought joy into this world in your Son, be the joy that dwells between us.

God of hope, the rock we stand upon, be our firm foundation, anchoring us in the Good News.

The good news that, in the stable, in the cross, in the empty tomb, there is hope for the hopeless.

The good news that, in beautiful slavery to Christ, there is liberty from the bondage of sin.

The good news that, in a world full of condemnation, in Christ, there is grace for the sinner.

The good news that, for the brokenhearted, in Christ, there is joy in a time or place of sorrow. Anoint us with the oil of joy, poured out in the precious blood of the Anointed One, the Word made flesh, entered into the world to save it.

God of peace, who brought peace into this world in your Son, be the peace that dwells between us.

Stir our hearts, stir the hearts of our leaders, and the leaders of all nations. May we pursue the path that seeks to prevent and defend against needless and cruel conflict and suffering. Shape our hearts and minds. Give us a passion for justice and peace. Bring an end to the pain, suffering, injustice, and violence in our world.

We know, Lord, that absolute peace will not come until your kingdom is here in all of its fullness. But we pray for a foretaste of your reign. We long for the day when things are the way they are supposed to be. When people will “beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isa. 2:4).

May your kingdom come, Lord, and your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven!

All this we pray in the name Jesus Christ,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Feb 20th

J Patrick Miller

Merciful Father,

In your graciousness, and on account of your son Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit, you bless us with unity with you, and unity with each other. And you bless us by turning us to you, as all good gifts come from our heavenly Father. Hear our prayer Lord through your Son, our mediation and our mediator. 

This day and every day, renew our hearts, Lord. Renew our hearts in Jesus Christ. 

When we are in doubt, renew our hearts with His assurance and confidence. 

When we are anxious and fearful, renew our hearts with His peace. 

When our nerves are frayed and we are quick to anger, renew our hearts with his patience and forgiveness. 

When we revel in fractures and division, renew our hearts with His spirit of reconciliation. 

When we are unfaithful, renew our hearts with His faithfulness.

Show us your ways, Lord, teach us your paths. Guide us in your truth and teach us by your Word, for you are God our Savior, and our hope is in You.

All this we pray, in the name of Jesus the Christ, the great Amen, the faithful and true witness,


Pastor Jason’s Prayers - Feb 13th

J Patrick Miller

God of grace, God of mercy, God of light,

The gathering of this church family is your work, and we thank you for the blessings you pour over us. You shine to us through your word, and through your body and blood. And you shine through us, despite us, and often when we don’t even realize it. By your Holy Spirit, continue to use us and the relationships that you build, to proclaim the comfort of the Gospel. Through the hearing of your Word, cause us to love each other as you have loved us. Continue to cause us to walk with each other as we are called to, lifting each other up in prayer and encouragement.


When we feel lonely and that you are far away, or distant, help us remember your promise that you are with us always.

When we are fearful, have us remember that in You there is no fear, because you have conquered sin, death, and the devil, and you are working to restore your creation.

Rest us in the truth that you are the light of the world, and you continuously crash your light into our darkness, because You cannot help but shine.

Whether in gladness or sorrow, with either joy or raw lament, we can call on you with “Come, Lord Jesus”. And you answer, “Yes, I Am coming quickly!” 

And we can call on you for mercy.

Have mercy on us, for we are by nature sinful and unclean. We are not righteous in our thoughts, words, and deeds.

Have mercy on us, for we are full of pride. Trusting, not in you, but in ourselves. When our conscience is troubled by sin and doubt  and worry we often turn, not to you, but inward and remain trapped in a prison of our own making, thinking we can balance out our sin and earn your favor by doing our best.

Have mercy on us, for we don’t love our neighbors as brothers and sisters within your good creation, but instead we so often see them as enemies to be defeated, as competitors for earthly success, or as a project or an agenda item to be checked off on our list of good works.

Have mercy on us, for we are blind and deaf in our sin, loving the darkness in our selfish hearts instead of the light in yours.

Have mercy on us, for the sake of your son Jesus Christ the Crucified. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us. Repent us, turn us to the cross.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Feb 6th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

Thank you for this glorious day, yet another day when we are reminded that your mercies are new every morning. In your graciousness, and by your Holy Spirit, you bless us with this time and place of sanctuary and rest in your son Jesus Christ. Thank you for the opportunity to just sit and rest  in you, Lord. Right where you've placed each of us. Settle the worries and anxieties in our minds and hearts, that we may simply be present to receive your mercy and grace.


We so easily get distracted and turned by the unceasing tide of voices all around us. Speak, Lord. Let us hear and listen to your voice. From the heart that swallowed up the hatred of the world on the cross, pour into and out of us love. From the heart that ate the bitter lies of the world on the cross, pour into and out of us truth. From the heart that bore the wrath we deserve on the cross, pour into and out of us forgiveness. 

Turn our hearts from our own self-righteousness and plant us as oaks of your righteousness. Proclaiming wholeness in you, in a world that seeks only to divide. Proclaiming healing in you, in a world that is quick to wound. Proclaiming honor in you, in a world that seeks only to shame. Proclaiming salvation in you, in a world that seems to shout only condemnation. 

God, through your word, the universe came into being. With your same word, speak into each of us the fullness of renewal and restoration we receive in the crucified and risen Christ. It’s in His name we pray,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Jan 30th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We thank you for the freedom and opportunity we have to come together in fellowship in You. We thank you for the refuge we have in You and for this church family, whom you’ve gathered by the Holy Spirit, to receive your gifts this morning. Lord, we ask that you continue to bless and sustain us through all the ups and downs of life.


By the light of your Word we see the dark mark of our sin. Yet by the light of your Word we are also marked with forgiveness and new life. Let us be marked not for sorrow, but marked as one who is claimed by the “man of sorrows”. Let us be marked not for our shame, but marked by the Holy One who was shamed by the world that He might save it.

King Jesus,

So often we fall to temptation, and bear the fruit of sin: hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy. Be the friend and pardoner of sinners. In your mercy turn us, repent us, faith us, forgive us, renew us. Remind us that we are marked with your name, and stir your Holy Spirit within us that we might instead bear the fruit of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

In your mighty and gracious name,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Jan 23rd

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

We praise and thank you for this day. For your good and beautiful creation we see all around us. We thank you for all the blessings you bestow on us. May this truth be always on our hearts: that the God who breathed and spoke this world into being, in love, He created, made, and formed each and every one of us.


Whether we use words, or can only summon a silent sigh to heaven, you promise to answer our prayers. You answer with the assurance that You uphold the entire universe by your word and power, and yet you know us. Even to the number of hairs on our head. 

Sometimes this life is very hard, and it can feel like a struggle to keep our head above water. When our hearts feel stretched... or empty, rest us in the truth that You are as near to us as our next breath. And rest us in the truth that in the midst of life’s struggles, you are working to help, to refresh, to reconcile, and to restore. 

King Jesus,

For those of us who are falling, hold us up. For those of us who are bowed down with sickness, grief or loneliness, raise us up. For all of us whose hearts are hungry, fill us. Hold fast with your blood bought promise that in this groaning creation you are invading and making all things new...and right. Recreating your creation and creatures as they are supposed to be. Rest us in the truth that there is no distance between what you say, and what IS. You are with us always. You declare us forgiven, righteous, and new. And so we are.

In your mighty name we pray,


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Jan 16th

J Patrick Miller


By your Word all things were created, each in its allotted space and time. By your Word, pour out your Spirit here this morning, and settle our worried minds and hearts. As we take in the countless voices around us, have us hear the voice above all voices, the voice of our Creator and Redeemer. Waken our ears to hear. Make us vessels to be convicted by your Word. Make us vessels to receive peace from your Word. A peace that is deeper and richer than anything we can imagine. Peace in the mercy of Christ, peace in the grace of Christ, peace in the forgiveness we have in Christ.

King Jesus,

When we find ourselves exhausted by the distractions of this world, when we find ourselves exhausted by the often conflicting obligations, and the spiraling expectations of this world, be our sabbath. Be our rest. Rest us in your promise that a bruised reed you will not break, a faintly burning wick you will not quench, and a hungry heart you fill with the bread of life. 

If we find ourselves parched for joy in the midst of troubles, in the midst of our own sin, pour your Word into us, and remind us that we are soaked in the living waters of baptism. Remind us that you have made us new in you, that you have marked us and sealed us with your name. 

All this we pray, in the mighty name of Jesus the Christ.


Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Jan 9th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

As each new day dawns, grant us comfort in you. Grant us the comfort that whatever the age, whatever the season, whatever the challenges and struggles, your children are in your hands, the One who is the beginning and the end. The One who opens the door to eternal life, the door that no one can shut. 


You draw us to you and confront us with your Word. You draw us to you and comfort us with your Word. You draw us to you and confront us with our sin that we may be comforted by your grace. You draw us to you and we are confronted and comforted with the cross. 

In Christ, lifted on the perch of the cross, we see the frailty of our own lofty perch. 

Our own towering pride, nailed to the tree. 

The arrogant elevation of our own self-sufficiency, nailed to the tree. 

Our belief in and pursuit of our own kingdoms and our own righteousness, nailed to the tree. 

King Jesus,

On the cross You have taken all of our pride, all of our idolatry, all of our unbelief, all of our sin as your own. By your mercy we are crucified with you, so that in you we have your resurrection life. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

Rest us Lord, in the truth that you are the God of our salvation yesterday, today, and forever.