Almighty and merciful God,
God of majesty and power, who spoke and this world was, God who breathed and this world lived, yet who knows us to the number of hairs upon our head. You know our thoughts and read our hearts yet love us beyond measure, sending your one and only Son into the world, not to condemn it, but that the world might be saved through Him. We turn to you in thanks and praise for sustaining us, holding us close, and drawing us together to receive your gifts this morning.
God of love, who brought love into this world in your Son, be the love that dwells between us.
God of joy, who brought joy into this world in your Son, be the joy that dwells between us.
God of hope, the rock we stand upon, be our firm foundation, anchoring us in the Good News.
The good news that, in the stable, in the cross, in the empty tomb, there is hope for the hopeless.
The good news that, in beautiful slavery to Christ, there is liberty from the bondage of sin.
The good news that, in a world full of condemnation, in Christ, there is grace for the sinner.
The good news that, for the brokenhearted, in Christ, there is joy in a time or place of sorrow. Anoint us with the oil of joy, poured out in the precious blood of the Anointed One, the Word made flesh, entered into the world to save it.
God of peace, who brought peace into this world in your Son, be the peace that dwells between us.
Stir our hearts, stir the hearts of our leaders, and the leaders of all nations. May we pursue the path that seeks to prevent and defend against needless and cruel conflict and suffering. Shape our hearts and minds. Give us a passion for justice and peace. Bring an end to the pain, suffering, injustice, and violence in our world.
We know, Lord, that absolute peace will not come until your kingdom is here in all of its fullness. But we pray for a foretaste of your reign. We long for the day when things are the way they are supposed to be. When people will “beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isa. 2:4).
May your kingdom come, Lord, and your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven!
All this we pray in the name Jesus Christ,