SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - April 2nd

J Patrick Miller

Mighty, merciful, and gracious Lord,

As we are gathered in your name today, remind us of the living and active promise that you are making us new, that you have marked us and sealed us with your very name. If we find ourselves parched for joy in the midst of our own troubles, in the midst of our own struggles with sin, stir our hearts to repentance and pour your Word of forgiveness onto us and into us this morning. Rest us in your promise that a bruised reed you will not break, a faintly burning wick you will not quench. Rest us in the truth that we are soaked in the living waters of baptism, and that the hungry heart you fill with the bread of life.  

King Jesus,

On this Palm Sunday as we reflect on your entry into Jerusalem toward the cross, have us shout “Hosanna!” with the church eternal at your coming. “Hosanna!” “God who saves, Save us!” Remind us that when we shout “Hosanna!” it is out of our need for salvation, but also in faith that in you, we are already saved. Saved from the clutches of sin, death, and the devil.

Turn us to you, Lord, in hope and faith in your promise that your resurrection life is invading right now; hope and faith in your promise that you are as close to us as our next breath; hope and faith in the truth that you know your plans for us. Plans to help us, to heal us, to restore us, and to ultimately make us new.

All this we pray, in the mighty name our Savior King, the Servant King, Jesus the Christ.