Almighty God,
Thank you for this glorious morning. In your graciousness, and by your Holy Spirit, you bless us with this time and place of sanctuary and rest in your son Jesus Christ. You bless us by turning us to you.Thank you for the opportunity to just sit and rest here, in you Lord. Right where you've placed each of us. Quiet the distractions in our minds and hearts, that we may simply be present to receive your mercy and grace.
In the cross and empty tomb you forever free us from the bondage of our sin. But we so often crawl back into a prison of our own making. When we chain ourselves to the strife in our hearts, to the envy in our hearts, to the anger in our hearts, to the fear and worry in our hearts, speak us free again.
For You came to seek and save the lost. Turn our hearts to know and believe that though we were once darkness, in you we are light. We were once slaves to sin, but who the Son sets free is free indeed, and you bless us with your good and perfect gifts from above. You possess us, and in beautiful unity in you we have true freedom.
Freedom from the devil
Freedom from bondage to sin
Freedom from condemnation under the law
Freedom from fear
Freedom from death itself
Freedom to rejoice in these, your gifts:
The freedom to love
The freedom to show mercy and compassion
The freedom to forgive, as we have been forgiven
By your Word, cause us to walk in that freedom, to walk in the newness of life in You.
It’s in your mighty name we pray,