SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - July 28th

J Patrick Miller

King Jesus

You are the one who is Word made flesh, God with us, true light of true light, love personified. Hold to your promise that you are the one who will not let us go, the one who will not forsake us, no matter how far we run and no matter how far we might feel we are from your presence. Turn us and faith us to know that you are present and active in your proclaimed Word here this morning. Turn us and faith us to know and believe that, according to your unfathomable love, we cannot out sin the grace and forgiveness of the cross.

Convict us with the divine truth of your Law and free us through your unconditional Gospel promise that you are making each of us and all things new. Assure us and have us know that you are not sitting back and waiting around for us to make the grade. Take action through your Word, Lord, create and sustain our faith in you out of the nothing of our sin. For your love does not first discover what is pleasing to you. Instead, your love creates what is pleasing to you. Create in us a clean heart, O God. Hear our prayer, you who are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call on you. We call on you. Forgive us, renew us, enliven us. Make us new.