SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Dec 1st

J Patrick Miller

Gracious, merciful, and faithful Father,

You sent your Son into the world to shine light into the darkness. Come Lord Jesus, crash your light into this world, into this place, and into our hearts. 

Shine your light so we might see your resurrection life at work in our midst. In your beautiful creation we see all around us, have us see the reflection and foretaste of your new creation to come. 

Have us rejoice in the adventure of the resurrection life with friends, family, and neighbors through whom you walk with us, love us, guide us, comfort us, and serve us. 

Lord, in the midst of the restlessness, the uncertainty, the turbulence, and the anxiety of this life, we are often filled with doubt. Lord, open your heart to hear our prayer, “I believe; help thou my unbelief.” You are the Lord who with a tender touch gives faith and rest to our souls. So reach out and make us an Advent people, trusting not in ourselves, but patiently waiting and resting in the God who promises to save. Emmanuel, “God with us”, the shoot that comes forth from Jesse’s stump, the branch of righteousness from the line of David, the tested Stone and Cornerstone, our sure Foundation, the Messiah. Give us assurance by your Word that you know your plans for us; plans of healing, plans of hope, plans of restoration in you, in whom all God’s plans and promises are fulfilled.