SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - March 12th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty, gracious, and merciful God,

Through your word, the universe came into being. With your same word proclaimed from the lips of another this morning, speak into each one of us the fullness of restoration and re-creation we receive in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Today and every day speak into us your renewing gifts, and pour out of us into a world that is desperate for true rest and Good News.

Where there is hatred in our hearts, speak into us and pour out of us love; 

Where there is wrong in our hearts, speak into us and pour out of us forgiveness; 

Where there is discord among us, speak into us and pour out of us harmony; 

Where we are captured by lies and error, speak into us and pour out of us truth; 

Where we are shaken by doubt, speak into us and pour out of us faith; 

Where we are rattled with restlessness, speak into us and pour out of us peace; 

Where we are drowning in despair, speak into us and pour out of us hope; 

Where we are caught in the darkness of sin, speak into us and pour out of us the freedom of your cleansing light; 

Where we are seeking, speak into us that we are found, and never to be lost from your fold.

All this we pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.