SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Opening Worship Prayer by Pastor Jason - Feb 12th

J Patrick Miller

Lord Jesus Christ,

On account of all the competing messages and voices in this world and on account of our own struggles we can find ourselves filled with doubt about our standing before God. Grant us assurance in You. Your assurance that when you say something is someone’s, it is theirs. As we wrestle with the burden of sin, have us hear and believe that all of our sin became yours on the cross. Him who knew no sin, became sin, for us. When we fall short, when we miss the mark, when we wrestle with doubt, and fear and “am I good enough?” have us hear and believe the divine proclamation that we are covered in your righteousness.

You took our sin as your own, and we possess your righteousness, not because of something we have done, but because of who you are, and what YOU have done and continue to do. 

When you say something is someone’s, it is theirs: “All that the Father gives me, and whoever comes to me, I will never cast out.” 

When you say something is someone’s, it is theirs: “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”

When you say something is someone’s, it is theirs: “You are marked and sealed with my name, and I can not deny myself.” 

Hold us close with those promises today and every day.