SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Aug 1st

J Patrick Miller

Come to us. Come Lord Jesus and wash over us with your peace.  Keep us in your grip. Hold fast to us with your wounded hands that heal. Hold fast to our hearts with your words that though there is suffering in this life you have overcome the world. 

Hold fast with your promise, and have us see and rejoice, that in this groaning creation you are invading and making all things new...and right. Help the hurting to know that when we are suffering that you suffered for us. Rest us in your assurance that you know our pain because you took the pains of the world on yourself on the cross.

Remind us that in our weakness, your power is made perfect, and that in our weakness you are merciful. Where our hope wains, Lord, love us back into hope again. 

Where there are two or more gathered in your name, you promise to be there. We offer you thanks for drawing each of us together here. We offer you thanks and praise for your presence and divine gifts here this morning. 

HERE, where you operate through ordinary means to work your miracles of salvation, restoration and renewal. From ordinary lips you proclaim your eternal life-giving word of the forgiveness of sins and your active royal reign.

As we step into your word, quiet whatever chattering and restlessness and worry we may have in our hearts and minds.

As we step into your word, have us listen to our savior for a while.