Almighty God,
We thank you for gathering us by the Holy Spirit, to receive your gifts this morning. The gift of your fulfilled promise in the coming of our Savior, the gift of forgiveness and the gift of new life in your son Jesus Christ. Fill us with your Spirit that we might share, in thanks and joy, the countless blessings you bestow on your creation and your children as you crash in the light and hope of your reign, today and every day.
King Jesus,
In a world of daily stresses, struggles, distractions, doubts and temptations, stir up the good news in our hearts to rest our hope in you and your work through those ordinary things through which you work your extraordinary act of salvation and comfort. Those ordinary and seemingly undignified things where you promise to be. Hope in you here, in the midst of your body, the church, dwelling in the person to our left and right. Hope in you, here, where you take action in our lives through your Word in song and your Word proclaimed from the lips of another. Hope in you, here, in ordinary bread and wine, which by your word is a foretaste of the kingdom feast to come, and which by your word delivers your very body and blood for our renewal and the strengthening of our faith. Hold fast to us, fill us with your peace, fill us with your grace and mercy.
All this we pray in your holy name.