Almighty God,
Before we take in the countless voices of the day, have us hear, in these early hours, the voice of our Creator and Redeemer. Renew our hearts and minds this morning and make us vessels to receive your gifts.
There are moments and seasons when we find that we have been consumed by entitlement before you and the world; consumed by our own self-interest, our ambition, our fear, our pride, our desire to control, our anger in the face of circumstances out of our control. When you cause our own hearts to declare and admit our guilt and helplessness, come close.
Come close and by your Word turn our hearts from entitlement to gratitude. Gratitude for a grace that knows no bounds, extending to the entire world, extending to each and every one of us. Gratitude for a faith authored and perfected by Christ and gifted to each and every one of us. Gratitude for a love that indeed endures forever. Forever rescuing, forever renewing, forever guiding, forever helping. Gratitude for the person and work of Jesus Christ, through whom, by his mercy and grace, we receive forgiveness, renewal, and restoration.
King Jesus,
Have us hear your voice as it cuts through the noise and expectations of the world and our own hearts. Bring to our sinfulness the cleansing waters of your forgiveness. Bring to our brokenness, your divine blood which fills the fractures of our souls. Bring to our weakness, your perfect strength. Bring to our dark self righteousness, the light of your righteousness, that we may walk, not in glib optimism, but in thanksgiving and the sure and steadfast hope found and rooted in you, Christ the King, the great “Yes” of all God’s promises.