SoulThirst Church

+ North Texas +

Pastor Jason’s Prayer - Oct 24th

J Patrick Miller

Almighty God,

Be light for us, today and everyday. Send your Holy Spirit to be the spark that rises in the darkness we might find ourselves in.

Your Spirit hovers over us, gives us the very breath of life, and lives in us. To enliven us, to teach us, to instruct us, to lead us. To show us the Son, that we may be set free in the Son. 

By the power of your Word this morning, shatter the bondage of self in which we are chained. Renew our hearts in Jesus Christ to show kindness, patience, compassion and love to all those in need, which is each and every one of us. 

King Jesus,

In pouring out your lifeblood on the cross, you poured out your love into this world in rivers of free flowing grace. 

This world, and our own hearts, would have us make enemies of our neighbor. You would have us say, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” 

Turn our hearts. Turn us, Lord, and make us humble receivers.  Receivers of you, the Great Giver.

Give peace, that we might be peacemakers

Give forgiveness, that we might be forgivers

Give love, that we might love the unlovable, just as you love us

Give mercy, that we might be merciful

Give us your merciful heart Lord. 

In the name of the One whose name is above ALL names, In the name of Jesus the Christ,