Merciful Father,
In your graciousness, and on account of your son Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit, you bless us with unity with you, and unity with each other. And you bless us by turning us to you in prayer. Hear our prayer Lord through your Son, our mediation and our mediator.
Lord Jesus, friend of sinners,
For those of us drowning in doubt, flood us with your faithfulness. For those of us haunted by the shadow of shame, shine your light of love.
For a world weary under the weight of the burdens of this life, be our sabbath rest.
For every one of us who long for your presence, come Lord Jesus, come quickly.
Emmanuel, God with us. Have us know and believe and find comfort in the promise of your name. A promise which you keep, no matter our past, no matter our baggage, no matter our failures, no matter our sins. You come near to sinners, Lord, the very heart of God brimming with forgiving, pardoning, and absolving love for each of us
When we are walking in darkness, you are there.
When we are kneeling in weakness, you are there.
When we draw near feeling helpless and hopeless, you are there. When we are turned in repentance and needing forgiveness, you are there.
When our hearts ache for renewal, you are there, reaching out your long arm of grace.
You poured out your lifeblood on the cross for the salvation of the world. Reach out your long arm of grace this morning, pour out your life giving Word. Speak, Lord, pour into our ears and into our hearts your resurrection life.